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Honey pollen spectra of two species of stingless bee (Apidae: Meliponini) in Lençóis Maranhenses National Park, Brazil
Grana ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-18 , DOI: 10.1080/00173134.2020.1821088
Rafael Sousa Pinto 1 , Márcia Maria Corrêa Rêgo 1 , Patrícia Maia Correia De Albuquerque 1


This study aimed to identify the pollen types present in the honey of Melipona fasciculata and Melipona subnitida in a Restinga area (plant communities under a marine influence) and identify pollen grains that belonged to plants with nectar resouces. In total, 56 pollen types were found in the honey samples of the two bee species studied, with a large number of representatives from the Fabaceae and Myrtaceae families. Melipona subnitida honey had higher pollen richness, diversity and evenness than M. fasciculata honey. Many of the pollen types identified in the samples were considered nectarless, but 28 types belonged to plants that produce nectar. The main nectar-producing specie found was Humiria balsamifera, particularly in M. fasciculata honey. Other important sources of nectar were Chrysobalanus icaco, Protium heptaphyllum and Coccoloba. Our results are vital for conservation and management programmes because the maintenance of social bee populations depends upon constant resource collection.




这项研究旨在确定在雷丁加地区(受海洋影响的植物群落)的Melipona fasciculataSubnitida的Melipona subnitida的蜂蜜中存在的花粉类型,并确定属于具有花蜜资源植物的花粉粒。在所研究的两种蜜蜂的蜂蜜样品中,总共发现了56种花粉类型,其中很多来自Fabaceae和Myrtaceae家族。次生蜜蜂蜜的花粉丰富度,多样性和均匀度均高于筋膜蜜。样品中鉴定出的许多花粉类型被认为是无花蜜的,但是28种类型属于产生花蜜的植物。发现的主要产生花蜜的物种是Humiria balsamifera,特别是在fasciculata蜂蜜中。花蜜的其他重要来源是金银花(Chrysobalanus icaco),七叶Pro(Protium heptaphyllum)球果Coccoloba)。我们的结果对于养护和管理计划至关重要,因为维持社会蜜蜂种群依赖于不断收集资源。
