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Divergent movement patterns of adult and juvenile ‘Akohekohe, an endangered Hawaiian Honeycreeper
Journal of Field Ornithology ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-17 , DOI: 10.1111/jofo.12348
Alex X. Wang 1 , Eben H. Paxton 2 , Hanna L. Mounce 3 , Patrick J. Hart 1

The movement patterns of birds across a landscape are often highly variable and influenced by complex interactions between individuals and environments. Because periods of movement can be marked by high mortality, especially among juvenile birds, understanding these patterns may be vital for the conservation of many bird species. However, these patterns can be challenging to quantify. We used radio‐telemetry to document the movement patterns of ‘Akohekohe (Palmeria dolei), an endangered Hawaiian Honeycreeper endemic to Maui Island, Hawai'i. This species is believed to be highly susceptible to mosquito‐transmitted avian malaria (Plasmodium relictum) and only breeds in high‐elevation wet forests on the windward side of east Maui (> 1715 m) that serve as mosquito‐free refugia. Over a 2‐yr period (2013–2014), we used radio‐telemetry and resightings of color‐banded birds to track the movements of juveniles (N = 11) and adults (N = 24) and quantified home ranges with minimum convex polygons (MCP) and 95% fixed kernels (KHR). Movement patterns and home range sizes of adult and juvenile ‘Akohekohe were significantly different, with adults having relatively small home ranges (0.57 ha, MCP; 1.09 ha, KHR) and juveniles moving greater distances and having larger home ranges (25.02 ha, MCP; 90.56 ha, KHR). Only juveniles moved into lower‐elevation forests that can support mosquito populations, at least seasonally. The absence of adults in this transitional malaria zone suggests that adult ‘Akohekohe cannot maintain long‐term home ranges in areas with an increased risk of malaria infection. In addition, the long‐distance movements of juveniles during the post‐fledging, pre‐breeding period likely increases their risk of contracting avian malaria and could be a key factor limiting the population of this species.



鸟类在整个景观中的移动方式通常变化很大,并且受个人与环境之间复杂的相互作用的影响。由于运动时期的死亡率很高,尤其是在幼鸟中,因此了解这些模式对于保护许多鸟类可能至关重要。但是,这些模式很难量化。我们使用无线电遥测技术记录了夏威夷茂宜岛特有的濒临灭绝的夏威夷蜜cre “ Akohekohe(Palmeria dolei)”的运动模式。该物种被认为极易受蚊子传播的疟疾(疟原虫),并且仅在毛伊岛东部(> 1715 m)迎风侧的高海拔湿润森林中繁殖,这些地方可作为无蚊子避难所。在过去的两年(2013-2014年)中,我们使用无线电遥测和彩色带状鸟类的观测来追踪少年(N  = 11)和成年(N = 24)并使用最小凸多边形(MCP)和95%固定内核(KHR)量化了原始范围。成人和少年“ Akohekohe”的运动方式和家庭范围大小显着不同,成年人的家庭范围相对较小(0.57公顷,MCP; 1.09公顷,KHR),而青少年移动距离更大,家庭范围较大(25.02公顷,MCP; 90.56公顷,KHR)。只有少年进入海拔较低的森林,这些森林至少在季节性上可以支撑蚊子种群。在该过渡性疟疾地区没有成年人,这表明成年人'Akohekohe无法在疟疾感染风险增加的地区维持长期的家畜饲养范围。此外,成年后幼体的长距离运动