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On the optimized design of next-generation wind farms
European Journal of Operational Research ( IF 6.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ejor.2020.10.048
Martina Fischetti

Abstract A transformation from fossil fuels to renewable energy has been ongoing in recent years, driven by growing environmental and sustainability demands from customers and society. An increased use of renewable sources can, in particular, help during climate change, which is a very sensitive topic right now. Because demand for green energy is increasing, while competition is also growing, innovation and optimization are of key importance in this business. In particular, because the offshore wind energy market is based on an auction system: the company that can construct and operate the farm with the lowest subsidies will win the auction and capitalize on its investment. It is therefore extremely important to both minimize costs and increase profits at the design phase of new farms. In this paper we will illustrate how Operational Research techniques can help companies be more competitive on the market. To be specific, we address two of the main design challenges arising in the design of new offshore wind farms, the optimal allocation of wind turbines (to minimize interference between them and position-related costs) and their electrical interconnection. We show that a synergic use of mixed integer programming models and heuristic methods in the so-called matheuristic framework can be used to solve both problems efficiently. The optimization tools that we will describe have been used also for the design of Hollande Kust Zuid, the first offshore wind farm in the world to be constructed subsidy-free. We report results on a number of real instances, showing the impact of these techniques in decreasing costs and increasing profitability, with average gains of more than € 10 M for each wind farm.



摘要 近年来,在客户和社会不断增长的环境和可持续性需求的推动下,化石燃料向可再生能源的转变一直在进行。增加可再生能源的使用尤其有助于应对气候变化,这是目前非常敏感的话题。由于对绿色能源的需求不断增加,而竞争也在加剧,因此创新和优化在该业务中至关重要。尤其是,由于海上风能市场基于拍卖制度:能够以最低补贴建设和运营风场的公司将赢得拍卖并利用其投资。因此,在新农场的设计阶段最大限度地降低成本并增加利润非常重要。在本文中,我们将说明运筹学技术如何帮助公司在市场上更具竞争力。具体而言,我们解决了新海上风电场设计中出现的两个主要设计挑战,风力涡轮机的最佳配置(以最大限度地减少它们之间的干扰和与位置相关的成本)及其电气互连。我们表明,在所谓的数学框架中,混合整数规划模型和启发式方法的协同使用可用于有效地解决这两个问题。我们将描述的优化工具也用于设计 Hollande Kust Zuid,这是世界上第一个无补贴建造的海上风电场。我们报告了许多真实情况的结果,