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Holocene Insects of the Urals and the Center and North of Western Siberia
Entomological Review Pub Date : 2020-11-18 , DOI: 10.1134/s0013873820050085
E. V. Zinovyev


This paper summarizes data on subfossil insects from the Holocene sites of the Urals, the Cis-Ural region, and the central and northern parts of West Siberia. The material from 39 sites, mostly alluvial ones, and also the insect remains from peat bogs and zoogenic deposits is considered. The insect communities from most alluvial sites correspond to the recent faunas from the same territories. The dynamics of insect faunas, probably associated with changes in landscape and climatic conditions, can be observed only at the boundaries of the recent natural zones, such as the tundra and taiga ones. The range limits of some boreal species seem to have moved northwards during the Holocene climatic optimum. No changes in insect faunas from the sites of alluvial and swamp genesis situated within the taiga zone have been observed, these insect assemblages being identical to the recent faunas of the corresponding areas. Changes in the insect faunas in particular sections can largely be attributed to ecological successions and local habitat dynamics. No changes in plant communities caused by the Holocene climatic fluctuations and revealed by the spore and pollen data are reflected in the composition of insect complexes; this was demonstrated by the example of two peat bogs: Lake Perevalnoe site in the Polar Urals and Nyulsaveito site in the South Yamal. The data presented herein generally correspond to those obtained over the territories of Western and Eastern Europe as well as Northeast Siberia. However, changes in distribution of certain beetle species recorded at zoogenic sites (in bird pellets, burrows) may be linked to the Holocene climatic fluctuations.




