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Attribute-Based Encryption with Parallel Outsourced Decryption for Edge Intelligent IoV
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology ( IF 6.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-01 , DOI: 10.1109/tvt.2020.3027568
Chaosheng Feng , Keping Yu , Moayad Aloqaily , Mamoun Alazab , Zhihan Lv , Shahid Mumtaz

Edge intelligence is an emerging concept referring to processes in which data are collected and analyzed and insights are delivered close to where the data are captured in a network using a selection of advanced intelligent technologies. As a promising solution to solve the problems of insufficient computing capacity and transmission latency, the edge intelligence-empowered Internet of Vehicles (IoV) is being widely investigated in both academia and industry. However, data sharing security in edge intelligent IoV is a challenge that should be solved with priority. Although attribute-based encryption (ABE) is capable of addressing this challenge, many time-consuming modular exponential operations and bilinear pair operations as well as serial computing cause ABE to have a slow decryption speed. Consequently, it cannot address the response time requirement of edge intelligent IoV. Given this problem, an ABE model with parallel outsourced decryption for edge intelligent IoV, called ABEM-POD, is proposed. It includes a generic parallel outsourced decryption method for ABE based on Spark and MapReduce. This method is applicable to all ABE schemes with a tree access structure and can be applied to edge intelligent IoV. Any ABE scheme based on the proposed model not only supports parallel outsourced decryption but also has the same security as the original scheme. In this paper, ABEM-POD has been applied to three representative ABE schemes, and the experiments show that the proposed ABEM-POD is efficient and easy to use. This approach can significantly improve the speed of outsourced decryption to address the response time requirement for edge intelligent IoV.



边缘智能是一个新兴概念,指的是使用一系列先进的智能技术收集和分析数据并在靠近网络中捕获数据的位置提供洞察力的过程。作为解决计算能力不足和传输延迟问题的有前景的解决方案,边缘智能赋能的车联网(IoV)正在学术界和工业界广泛研究。然而,边缘智能车联网中的数据共享安全是一个应优先解决的挑战。尽管基于属性的加密(ABE)能够解决这一挑战,但许多耗时的模指数运算和双线性对运算以及串行计算导致 ABE 的解密速度较慢。最后,无法满足边缘智能车联网的响应时间要求。针对这个问题,提出了一种用于边缘智能车联网的并行外包解密的 ABE 模型,称为 ABEM-POD。它包括基于 Spark 和 MapReduce 的 ABE 通用并行外包解密方法。该方法适用于所有树形访问结构的ABE方案,可应用于边缘智能车联网。任何基于所提出模型的 ABE 方案不仅支持并行外包解密,而且具有与原始方案相同的安全性。在本文中,ABEM-POD 已应用于三个具有代表性的 ABE 方案,实验表明所提出的 ABEM-POD 高效且易于使用。