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Effectiveness of herbicides on Lysimachia vulgaris: a 17-year case study
Invasive Plant Science and Management ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-14 , DOI: 10.1017/inp.2020.26
Marisa R. De Luccia , Ben Peterson , Michael J. Bradshaw , Patrick C. Tobin

Garden loosestrife (Lysimachia vulgaris L.), is an invasive wetland plant that is subject to management in King County, WA, USA. Large-scale management efforts are generally conducted using herbicides. In this case study, we analyzed 17 yr of monitoring and treatment data in four riparian areas in King County to estimate the rate of spread of L. vulgaris and the efficacy of herbicidal treatments against L. vulgaris populations. In each area, herbicide treatments were applied annually. In three of the areas, the area infested with L. vulgaris did not change over time, while in the fourth area populations of L. vulgaris were spreading at a rate of 0.79 m2 yr−1. There were a greater number of sampled locations infested with L. vulgaris over the 17-yr period, and because populations were either not spreading or spreading slowly, it is possible that populations were becoming more fragmented. There was no relationship between the percentage of the infested area treated with herbicides and the area infested in the following year. However, there was a negative relationship between the area treated and the percent change in the invaded area; specifically, in years when <80% of the infested area was treated, there was an increase in the percent change of the invaded area between the year of treatment and the following year. The results of this study suggest that at the current level of management effort, the spatial extent of L. vulgaris did not retract over the 17-yr study period.


除草剂对 Lysimachia vulgaris 的有效性:一个 17 年的案例研究

花园珍珠菜(荔枝L.),是一种侵入性湿地植物,在美国华盛顿州金县接受管理。大规模的管理工作通常使用除草剂进行。在本案例研究中,我们分析了金县四个河岸地区 17 年的监测和治疗数据,以估计普通乳杆菌以及除草剂治疗的功效普通乳杆菌人口。在每个地区,每年都使用除草剂处理。在其中三个地区,该地区感染了普通乳杆菌没有随着时间的推移而改变,而在第四区的人口普通乳杆菌以 0.79 m 的速度扩散2-1. 有更多的采样地点感染了普通乳杆菌在 17 年期间,由于人口没有扩散或扩散缓慢,人口可能变得更加分散。用除草剂处理的受侵染面积百分比与次年受侵染面积之间没有关系。然而,治疗面积与侵入面积的百分比变化呈负相关;具体来说,在<80% 的受侵染区域被处理的年份,在处理年份和次年之间侵染区域的百分比变化增加。本研究的结果表明,在当前的管理工作水平上,普通乳杆菌在 17 年的研究期间没有撤回。