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Simulations of Proposed Mechanisms of FtsZ-Driven Cell Constriction
Journal of Bacteriology ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-11 , DOI: 10.1128/jb.00576-20
Lam T. Nguyen 1 , Catherine M. Oikonomou 1 , Grant J. Jensen 1, 2

To divide, bacteria must constrict their membranes against significant force from turgor pressure. A tubulin homolog, FtsZ, is thought to drive constriction, but how FtsZ filaments might generate constrictive force in the absence of motor proteins is not well understood. There are two predominant models in the field. In one, FtsZ filaments overlap to form complete rings around the circumference of the cell, and attractive forces cause filaments to slide past each other to maximize lateral contact. In the other, filaments exert force on the membrane by a GTP-hydrolysis-induced switch in conformation from straight to bent. Here, we developed software, ZCONSTRICT, for quantitative three-dimensional (3D) simulations of Gram-negative bacterial cell division to test these two models and identify critical conditions required for them to work. We find that the avidity of any kind of lateral interactions quickly halts the sliding of filaments, so a mechanism such as depolymerization or treadmilling is required to sustain constriction by filament sliding. For filament bending, we find that a mechanism such as the presence of a rigid linker is required to constrain bending to within the division plane and maintain the distance observed in vivo between the filaments and the membrane. Of these two models, only the filament bending model is consistent with our lab’s recent observation of constriction associated with a single, short FtsZ filament.


