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Potential and Limitations of Machine Learning for Modeling Warm‐Rain Cloud Microphysical Processes
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems ( IF 4.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-17 , DOI: 10.1029/2020ms002301
Axel Seifert 1 , Stephan Rasp 2

The use of machine learning based on neural networks for cloud microphysical parameterizations is investigated. As an example, we use the warm‐rain formation by collision‐coalescence, that is, the parameterization of autoconversion, accretion, and self‐collection of droplets in a two‐moment framework. Benchmark solutions of the kinetic collection equations are performed using a Monte Carlo superdroplet algorithm. The superdroplet method provides reliable but noisy estimates of the warm‐rain process rates. For each process rate, a neural network is trained using standard machine learning techniques. The resulting models make skillful predictions for the process rates when compared to the testing data. However, when solving the ordinary differential equations, the solutions are not as good as those of an established warm‐rain parameterization. This deficiency can be seen as a limitation of the machine learning methods that are applied, but at the same time, it points toward a fundamental ill‐posedness of the commonly used two‐moment warm‐rain schemes. More advanced machine learning methods that include a notion of time derivatives, therefore, have the potential to overcome these problems.


