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Latitudinal variation in plant defence against herbivory in a marine foundation species does not follow a linear pattern: The importance of resource availability
Global Ecology and Biogeography ( IF 6.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-17 , DOI: 10.1111/geb.13217
Gema Hernán 1, 2 , María J. Ortega 3 , Jeremy Henderson 4 , Josep Alós 2 , Katharyn Boyer 5 , Stephanie Cimon 6 , Vincent Combes 7 , Mathieu Cusson 6 , Clara M. Hereu 8 , Margot Hessing‐Lewis 9 , Kevin Hovel 10 , Pablo Jorgensen 11 , Stephanie Kiriakopolos 4, 5 , Nicole Kollars 12 , Mary I. O´Connor 13 , Jeanine Olsen 14 , Pamela L. Reynolds 12, 15 , Jennifer Ruesink 16 , Erin Voigt 10 , Fiona Tomas 2, 4

Studies on latitudinal patterns in plant defence have traditionally overlooked the potential effect that resource availability may have in shaping plant defence. Likewise, latitudinal patterns of tolerance traits have rarely been studied, yet they can be a critical component of plant defence. Therefore, the aim of our study was to examine latitudinal variation in the production of tolerance and resistance traits against herbivory along a latitudinal range and a natural gradient of resource availability from upwelling conditions.


