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Occupational risk of exposure to methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and the quality of infection hygiene in nursing homes
Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering ( IF 6.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-13 , DOI: 10.1007/s11783-020-1333-y
Pil Uthaug Rasmussen , Katrine Uhrbrand , Mette Damkjær Bartels , Helle Neustrup , Dorina Gabriela Karottki , Ute Bültmann , Anne Mette Madsen

Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is an increasing health concern across the globe and is often prevalent at long-term care facilities, such as nursing homes. However, we know little of whether nursing home staff is exposed to MRSA via air and surfaces. We investigated whether staff members at nursing homes are colonised with and exposed to culturable MRSA, and assessed staff members’ self-reported knowledge of MRSA and compliance with infection hygiene guidelines. Five nursing homes with MRSA positive residents were visited in Copenhagen, Denmark. Personal bioaerosol exposure samples and environmental samples from surfaces, sedimented dust and bioaerosols were examined for MRSA and methicillin-susceptible S. aureus (MSSA) to determine occupational exposure. Swabs were taken from staffs’ nose, throat, and hands to determine whether they were colonised with MRSA. An online questionnaire about MRSA and infection control was distributed. No staff members were colonised with MRSA, but MRSA was detected in the rooms of the colonised residents in two out of the five nursing homes. MRSA was observed in air (n =4 out of 42, ranging from 2.9–7.9 CFU/m3), sedimented dust (n = 1 out of 58, 1.1 × 103 CFU/m2/d), and on surfaces (n = 9 out of 113, 0.04–70.8 CFU/m2). The questionnaire revealed that half of the staff members worry about spreading MRSA to others. Identified aspects for improvement were improved availability and use of protective equipment, not transferring cleaning supplies (e.g., vacuum cleaners) between residents’ rooms and to reduce worry of MRSA, e.g., through education.



耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌(MRSA)在全球范围内日益引起人们的关注,并且在诸如疗养院之类的长期护理机构中通常很普遍。但是,我们对养老院工作人员是否通过空气和地面暴露于MRSA知之甚少。我们调查了疗养院的工作人员是否被定植在可培养的MRSA中并暴露于可培养的MRSA中,并评估了工作人员自我报告的MRSA知识以及是否遵守感染卫生指南。在丹麦哥本哈根访问了五个拥有MRSA阳性居民的养老院。检查个人生物气溶胶暴露样品和来自表面,沉积的灰尘和生物气溶胶的环境样品中的MRSA和对甲氧西林敏感的金黄色葡萄球菌(MSSA)确定职业暴露。从工作人员的鼻子,喉咙和手上拿出拭子,以确定它们是否被MRSA定殖。分发了有关MRSA和感染控制的在线问卷。没有员工被MRSA殖民,但是在五个疗养院中有两个中,被殖民居民的房间中发现了MRSA。在空气中(42中,n = 4,范围为2.9–7.9 CFU / m 3),尘埃沉积(n中, 1 = 58,1.1 ×10 3 CFU / m 2 / d),以及在表面上观察到MRSA n = 9,共113,0.04–70.8 CFU / m 2)。调查表显示,一半的员工担心将MRSA传播给其他人。确定的需要改进的方面是提高了可用性和使用了防护设备,没有在居民房间之间转移清洁用品(例如吸尘器),并通过例如教育的方式减少了对MRSA的担忧。
