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Structural Concrete ( IF 3.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-16 , DOI: 10.1002/suco.202070052
Beatrice Belletti 1

In many industrialized countries, structural assessment of existing structures and infrastructure is becoming a crucial issue. Since many of them have already reached their design service life, assessing their actual condition in order to evaluate their remaining service life is, today, of fundamental importance.

Depending on the environmental conditions, carbonation‐induced corrosion, chloride‐induced corrosion, or corrosion‐induced by chloride additives into concrete are among the main causes of the degradation of reinforced concrete (RC) and prestressed concrete (PC) structures.

Since environmental attacks due to chloride contents or carbonatation are increasing in time, the capacity of corroded existing members is gradually being reduced, thus causing unexpected failures due to a capacity failure in bending or shear or anchorage resistance. The lack of robustness of supporting structural frames, sometimes due to the adoption of isostatic structural schemes, is very often the cause of progressive collapses of reinforced concrete structures.

Therefore, corrosion can reduce the structural performances not only in the case of persistent or transient design situations but also in the case of accidental situations or seismic situations.

Moreover, corrosion can have detrimental effects on durability.

Despite all this, very little data are available on the reliability of numerical and design approaches for predicting the structural behavior of buildings and infrastructure affected by damage, induced by corrosion processes.

The corrosion of existing structures is a topic that has recently elicited a lot of interest. This intensified level of attention has augmented over time due to the regular occurrence of structural failures triggered partially or entirely by material deterioration.

Citation databases that analyze documents on an annual basis have registered fewer than 30 scientific documents on corroded reinforced concrete structures published before 2002 in the entire world. Since 2002, the number of documents addressing corrosion of reinforced concrete and being available for the scientific community has seen a consistent rise, reaching a maximum in 2018.

A Study Day on this topic was organized in Parma—Italy—on March 25, 2019, known as INTERNATIONAL CACRCS DAY, where CACRCS stands for “Capacity Assessment of Corroded Reinforced Concrete Structures.” The event, supported by fib and CTE (where CTE stands for Collegio dei Tecnici dell'Industrializzazione Edilizia), aimed at bringing together professionals from the concrete industry as well as academics from all over the world. It offered an excellent forum for engineers, scientists, concrete technologists, researchers, academics, and practitioners to exchange knowledge about advances in the field of corrosion of reinforced concrete structures.

This issue is a collection of a part of the papers presented during CACRCS DAY because some of these papers have already been published in previous issues of Structural Concrete. A virtual issue (online) will shortly be available with all the papers presented during CACRCS DAY and accepted for publication.

It is well known that during the phases of inspection, structural assessment, condition assessment, decision‐making and interventions regarding existing reinforced concrete structures, various essential skills are involved. Consequently, the assessment of the capacity of corroded reinforced concrete structures involves several disciplines in which the fundamentals of material science and technology and structural engineering play a major role.

This issue exemplifies this multidisciplinary approach required for the capacity assessment of corroded concrete structures by presenting both papers related to corrosion processes and material damage detection as well as papers related to the structural response of members through the adoption of experimental and numerical approaches.

In order to better understand the corrosion processes, this issue contains new findings on the mechanisms involved in the initial steps of corrosion and in the assessment of the propagation period.

The failure mechanisms of corroded members can be very different from the ones of non‐deteriorated members. This issue presents additional contributions dedicated to experimental tests on corroded members that explore the effects of corrosion at the structural scale.

In order to assess the response prediction capability of numerical and design tools, there is a strong need for benchmarks. Due to this necessity, some papers presented in this issue focus on the comparison between the capacity of reinforced and prestressed concrete members, experimentally and numerically obtained.

To this end, the issue presents a proposal for an extension of fib Model Code 2010 formulations for the analytical prediction of the capacity of corroded reinforced concrete beams.

Due to the fact that the buckling of longitudinal reinforcement in columns or bridge piers—subjected to cyclic loading—is a mechanism triggered by corrosion processes, being able to predict it is of paramount importance for the evaluation of the structural safety of existing structures located in seismic areas. Regarding this specific subject, the issue contains some papers presenting numerical methods and analyses allowing to evaluate the degrading seismic capacity of reinforced concrete members often affected by the instability of longitudinal reinforcement.

In the framework of Level of approximation IV and according to Model Code 2010, a submission is dedicated to the description of a non‐linear finite element method for the response prediction of PC beams without transversal reinforcement.

Finally, the issue presents a piece on the assessment of the residual service life of reinforced concrete structures and some protection strategies, such as cementitious coatings or green inhibitors.

I hope you that you will enjoy reading this issue and that the presented papers will inspire young researchers in pursuing their studies, will help colleagues in starting or continuing fruitful cooperative efforts and will aid practitioners in finding solutions to daily issues. The preservation of the structural heritage requires that all these types of expertise remain securely available for our society.











关于这一主题的研究日于2019年3月25日在意大利帕尔马举行,被称为国际CACRCS日,CACRCS代表“腐蚀钢筋混凝土结构的承载力评估”。这项活动由fib和CTE(CTE代表Collegio dei Tecnici dell'Industrializzazione Edilizia)支持,旨在汇聚来自混凝土行业的专业人员以及来自世界各地的学者。它为工程师,科学家,混凝土技术人员,研究人员,学者和从业人员提供了一个很好的论坛,以交流有关钢筋混凝土结构腐蚀领域的进展的知识。

本期是在CACRCS DAY期间提交的部分论文的集合,因为其中一些论文已在以前的结构混凝土杂志上发表。虚拟事件(在线)将在CACRCS DAY期间提供,并被收录出版。






为此,该问题提出了关于扩展fib Model Code 2010公式的建议,以用于对腐蚀的钢筋混凝土梁的承载能力进行分析预测。


在近似IV级的框架内,根据Model Code 2010,提交的文件专门用于描述无横向加固的PC梁响应预测的非线性有限元方法。


