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Molecular Ecology ( IF 4.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-15 , DOI: 10.1111/mec.15679

The authors wish to note an error in the article entitled “The genetic architecture of tristyly and its breakdown to self‐fertilization” published in Molecular Ecology (2017), 26(3), 752–765. In the original publication of this article, two lines in the main text section titled “Genomic reference and genetic map” contain incorrect values relating to the genome size of the flowering plant Eichhornia paniculata as estimated from flow cytometry:

“The haploid genome size of E. paniculata based on flow cytometry was 0.61 Gbp.”

“Note that the small genetic maps of some LGs and the relatively low overall rate of recombination using the estimated genome size (0.4 cM/Mbp on average) may reflect the presence of chromosomal rearrangements such as inversions given our use of an interpopulation cross.”

The corrected sentences are as follows:

“The haploid genome size of E. paniculata based on flow cytometry was 1.22 Gbp (1.25 pg).”

“Note that the small genetic maps of some LGs and the relatively low overall rate of recombination using the estimated genome size (0.2 cM/Mbp on average) may reflect the presence of chromosomal rearrangements such as inversions given our use of an interpopulation cross.”

These values are not referenced elsewhere in the manuscript. The authors apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused readers and thank Haoran Xue for informing us of this error.




“基于流式细胞术的E. paniculata单倍体基因组大小为0.61 Gbp。”

“请注意,使用估计的基因组大小(平均0.4 cM / Mbp),一些LG的较小的遗传图谱和相对较低的总体重组率可能反映了染色体重排的存在,例如在我们使用种群间杂交的情况下,存在倒置。”


“基于流式细胞术的E. paniculata单倍体基因组大小为1.22 Gbp(1.25 pg)。”

“请注意,使用估计的基因组大小(平均0.2 cM / Mbp),一些LG的较小遗传图谱和相对较低的总体重组率可能反映了染色体重排的存在,例如在我们使用种群间杂交的情况下,存在倒置。”

