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Recognition and defence of plant-infecting fungal pathogens
Journal of Plant Physiology ( IF 4.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jplph.2020.153324
Isabel M.L. Saur , Ralph Hückelhoven

Attempted infections of plants with fungi result in diverse outcomes ranging from symptom-less resistance to severe disease and even death of infected plants. The deleterious effect on crop yield have led to intense focus on the cellular and molecular mechanisms that explain the difference between resistance and susceptibility. This research has uncovered plant resistance or susceptibility genes that explain either dominant or recessive inheritance of plant resistance with many of them coding for receptors that recognize pathogen invasion. Approaches based on cell biology and phytochemistry have contributed to identifying factors that halt an invading fungal pathogen from further invasion into or between plant cells. Plant chemical defence compounds, antifungal proteins and structural reinforcement of cell walls appear to slow down fungal growth or even prevent fungal penetration in resistant plants. Additionally, the hypersensitive response, in which a few cells undergo a strong local immune reaction, including programmed cell death at the site of infection, stops in particular biotrophic fungi from spreading into surrounding tissue. In this review, we give a general overview of plant recognition and defence of fungal parasites tracing back to the early 20th century with a special focus on Triticeae and on the progress that was made in the last 30 years.



尝试用真菌感染植物会导致多种结果,从对严重疾病的无症状抵抗到受感染植物甚至死亡。对作物产量的有害影响导致了对解释抗性和易感性之间差异的细胞和分子机制的强烈关注。这项研究发现了植物抗性或易感基因,这些基因可以解释植物抗性的显性或隐性遗传,其中许多基因编码识别病原体入侵的受体。基于细胞生物学和植物化学的方法有助于确定阻止入侵真菌病原体进一步侵入植物细胞或植物细胞之间的因素。植物化学防御化合物,抗真菌蛋白和细胞壁的结构增强似乎减缓了真菌的生长,甚至阻止了真菌在抗性植物中的渗透。此外,过敏反应,其中一些细胞经历强烈的局部免疫反应,包括感染部位的程序性细胞死亡,特别是阻止生物营养真菌扩散到周围组织中。在这篇综述中,我们概述了可追溯到 20 世纪初的真菌寄生虫的植物识别和防御,特别关注小麦科和过去 30 年取得的进展。特别是阻止生物营养真菌扩散到周围组织中。在这篇综述中,我们概述了可追溯到 20 世纪初的真菌寄生虫的植物识别和防御,特别关注小麦科和过去 30 年取得的进展。特别是阻止生物营养真菌扩散到周围组织中。在这篇综述中,我们概述了可追溯到 20 世纪初的真菌寄生虫的植物识别和防御,特别关注小麦科和过去 30 年取得的进展。