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Identifying personality traits and their potential application to the management in captive forest musk deer (Moschus berezovskii)
Applied Animal Behaviour Science ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.applanim.2020.105168
Shuang Yang , Tianxiang Zhang , Yimeng Li , Shanghua Xu , Meishan Zhang , Xin Hu , Shuqiang Liu , Defu Hu , Torsten Wronski

Abstract Since the 1950s musk deer (Moschidae) are kept in captivity for the production of musk, a glandular secretion used in Chinese traditional medicine and as an ingredient in cosmetics. Most recently, forest musk deer (Moschus berezovskii) raised in captivity were reintroduced into the wild to augment depleted wild populations. The most prominent behavioral and social characteristics of musk deer are anxiety, a timid, solitary lifestyle and territoriality, making musk deer difficult to breed. Individual differences in the personality of captive male musk deer could allow breeders to sort bold individuals that are suitable for commercial farming from those with a shy and more timid personality suitable for reintroduction. We attempted to identify what behavioral variables and what novel stimulus tests are the most effective to characterize whether an individual is bold or shy. To measure boldness in 31 adult males, we used a two-step approach: i) using a Principal Component Analysis to identify reference behaviors that are indicative of either a shy or a bold personality, and ii) to establish individual boldness scores based on those reference behaviors and compare them between four novel stimuli. Two ‘bold PCs’ with high axis loadings from behaviors that are typical for curiosity, territorial marking or that represent the ordinary daily activity of a ruminant were obtained, as well as three ‘shy PCs’ that obtained high axis loadings from behaviors that are typical for anti-predator responses, intimidation or displacement behavior. Although all tested stimuli were verified suitable, the unfamiliar human being was the strongest stimulus to test boldness, followed by leopard feces, a beach ball and a leopard dummy. Using cluster-analysis, nearly three quarter of tested individuals were identified as shy, while only one quarter was classified as bold. Previous studies on poultry and domestic ungulates, demonstrated that through continued selective breeding for boldness, the overall personality in the population is driven towards a calm temperament in the majority of the individuals. This might be beneficial for musk production but will have adverse effects on successful reintroductions due to reduced individual fitness and domestication effects.


识别个性特征及其在圈养森林麝(Moschus berezovskii)管理中的潜在应用

摘要 自 1950 年代以来,麝(麝科)被圈养以生产麝香,麝香是一种用于中药的腺体分泌物,也是化妆品的一种成分。最近,人工饲养的森林麝(Moschus berezovskii)被重新引入野外以增加枯竭的野生种群。麝最突出的行为和社会特征是焦虑、胆怯、孤独的生活方式和领土,使麝难以繁殖。圈养雄麝个性的个体差异可以让饲养员将适合商业养殖的大胆个体与适合重新引入的害羞和胆小的个性进行分类。我们试图确定哪些行为变量和哪些新的刺激测试最有效地表征一个人是大胆还是害羞。为了测量 31 名成年男性的胆量,我们使用了两步法:i) 使用主成分分析来识别指示害羞或大胆个性的参考行为,以及 ii) 根据这些行为建立个人胆量分数参考行为并在四种新刺激之间进行比较。从好奇心、领土标记或代表反刍动物日常活动的典型行为中获得了两个具有高轴负荷的“大胆 PC”,以及从典型行为中获得了高轴负荷的三个“害羞 PC”用于反捕食者的反应、恐吓或位移行为。虽然所有测试的刺激都被证实是合适的,但陌生的人类是测试胆量的最强刺激,其次是豹屎、沙滩球和豹假人。使用聚类分析,近四分之三的受测者被确定为害羞,而只有四分之一被归类为大胆。先前对家禽和家养有蹄类动物的研究表明,通过持续进行大胆的选择性繁殖,大多数个体的整体性格趋于平静。这可能有利于麝香生产,但由于个体适应性和驯化效应降低,会对成功的重新引入产生不利影响。一个沙滩球和一个豹子假人。使用聚类分析,近四分之三的受测者被确定为害羞,而只有四分之一被归类为大胆。先前对家禽和家养有蹄类动物的研究表明,通过持续进行大胆的选择性繁殖,大多数个体的整体性格趋于平静。这可能有利于麝香生产,但由于个体适应性和驯化效应降低,会对成功的重新引入产生不利影响。一个沙滩球和一个豹子假人。使用聚类分析,近四分之三的受测者被确定为害羞,而只有四分之一被归类为大胆。先前对家禽和家养有蹄类动物的研究表明,通过持续进行大胆的选择性繁殖,大多数个体的整体性格趋于平静。这可能有利于麝香生产,但由于个体适应性和驯化效应降低,会对成功的重新引入产生不利影响。人口的整体性格在大多数人中趋向于平静的气质。这可能有利于麝香生产,但由于个体适应性和驯化效应降低,会对成功的重新引入产生不利影响。人口的整体性格在大多数人中趋向于平静的气质。这可能有利于麝香生产,但由于个体适应性和驯化效应降低,会对成功的重新引入产生不利影响。