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Damping and demagnetization analysis of a cylindrical linear electromagnetic buffer under impact load
International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-12 , DOI: 10.3233/jae-201556
Zixuan Li 1 , Guolai Yang 1 , Liqun Wang 1

This paper investigates the damping and demagnetization effect of an electromagnetic buffer (EMB) under impact load. The motional eddy currents are calculated first, and the Ampere circuital theorem is employed to calculate the induced magnetic field. The demagnetization effect is formulated by themagnetic Reynolds number with a correction coefficient km. Following this, the time-step finite element (FE) model of the buffering system is constructed based on the nonlinear B–H curve. The accuracy and feasibility of the FE model is preliminarily verified by small-scale impact test. The characteristics of damping displacement, velocity, damping force and damping coefficient are obtained. Then, the demagnetization effect is analysed by eddy current, magnetic field distribution, through the intensive impact load test at room temperature and time-step FE model. The value of km is obtained through the intensive impact test and the simplified expression of critical velocity. The results show that the demagnetization effect is obvious with the increase of velocity. By introducing the correction coefficient of magnetic Reynolds number, the eddy current demagnetization process is more realistic.


