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Spatial Presence, Performance, and Behavior between Real, Remote, and Virtual Immersive Environments
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics ( IF 4.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-25 , DOI: 10.1109/tvcg.2020.3023574
Nawel Khenak , Jeanne Vezien , Patrick Bourdot

Spatial presence encompasses the user's ability to experience a sense of “ being there ”. While particular attention was given to assess spatial presence in real and virtual environments, few have been interested in measuring it in telepresence situations. To bridge this gap, the present work introduces a study that compares the execution of a task in three conditions: a real physical environment, a remote environment via a telepresence system, and a virtual simulation of the real environment. Following a within-subject design, 27 participants performed a navigation task consisting in following a route while avoiding obstacles. Spatial presence and five related factors (affordance, enjoyment, attention allocation, reality, and cybersickness) were evaluated using a presence questionnaire. In addition, performance measures were gathered regarding environment recollection and task execution. The evaluation also included a behavioral metric measured by obstacle avoidance distance extracted from participants' trajectories. Results indicated a higher presence in the real environment, along with the best performance measures. No difference was found in spatial presence between the remote and the virtual conditions, although a higher degree of affordance and enjoyment was attributed to the virtual environment, and a higher degree of reality was attributed to the remote environment. The number of collisions was found to be lower in the remote condition compared to the virtual condition. Similarly, the avoidance distance was also bigger (and almost similar) in the real and the remote environments compared to the virtual environment indicating a greater caution of participants. These cues highlight that the behavior of participants in the remote condition was closer to their behavior in the real situation than it was in the virtual condition. Furthermore, positive correlations were found between the reality factor and two of the three performance measures, as well as with the behavioral metric. This suggests that the degree of physical existence of the space in which participants operate can influence their performance and behavior.



空间存在感包含了用户体验“ 在那里 ”。尽管在评估真实和虚拟环境中的空间存在时给予了特别关注,但很少有人对在远程呈现情况下测量其存在兴趣。为了弥合这一差距,本工作介绍了一项研究,该研究在三种条件下比较了任务的执行情况:真实的物理环境,通过网真系统进行的远程环境以及对真实环境的虚拟仿真。按照受试者内部设计,27位参与者执行了导航任务,包括遵循路线,同时避开障碍物。使用在场问卷评估了空间在场和五个相关因素(负担,娱乐,注意力分配,现实和晕车)。此外,还收集了有关环境回收和任务执行的绩效指标。评估还包括通过从参与者的轨迹中提取的避障距离来衡量的行为指标。结果表明,在实际环境中存在更高的性能以及最佳的性能指标。尽管较高的承受度和娱乐度归因于虚拟环境,而较高的真实度归因于远程环境,但是在远程和虚拟条件之间的空间存在性上没有发现差异。发现在远程条件下的碰撞次数比虚拟条件下的碰撞次数少。类似地,与虚拟环境相比,在真实环境和远程环境中,规避距离也更大(并且几乎相似),这表明参与者更加谨慎。这些线索表明,与虚拟环境相比,处于远程状态的参与者的行为更接近于他们在真实情况下的行为。此外,发现现实因素与三​​个绩效指标中的两个之间以及与行为指标之间存在正相关。这表明参与者操作所在空间的物理存在程度会影响他们的表现和行为。