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Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene aeolian deposits of Tasmania and their climatic implications
Quaternary Research ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-13 , DOI: 10.1017/qua.2020.83
Peter D. McIntosh , Christina Neudorf , Olav B. Lian , Adrian J. Slee , Brianna Walker , Rolan Eberhard , Richard Doyle , Grant Dixon

Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene aeolian deposits in Tasmania are extensive in the present subhumid climate zone but also occur in areas receiving >1000 mm of rain annually. Thermoluminescence, optically stimulated luminescence, and radiocarbon ages indicate that most of the deposits formed during periods of cold climate. Some dunes are remnants of longitudinal desert dunes sourced from now-inundated continental shelves which were previously semi-arid. Others formed near source, often in the form of lunettes east of seasonally-dry lagoons in the previously semi-arid Midlands and southeast of Tasmania, or as accumulations close to floodplains of major rivers, or as sandsheets in exposed areas. Burning of vegetation by the Aboriginal population after 40 ka is likely to have influenced sediment supply. A key site for determining climate variability in southern Tasmania is Maynes Junction which records three periods of aeolian deposition (at ca. 90, 32 and 20 ka), interspersed with periods of hillslope instability. Whether wind speeds were higher than at present during the last glacial period is uncertain, but shells in the Mary Ann Bay sandsheet near Hobart and particle size analysis of the Ainslie dunes in northeast Tasmania suggest stronger winds during the last glacial period than at present.



塔斯马尼亚的晚更新世和早全新世风成沉积物广泛存在于目前的亚湿润气候区,但也出现在年降雨量超过 1000 毫米的地区。热释光、光致发光和放射性碳年龄表明大多数沉积物是在寒冷气候时期形成的。一些沙丘是纵向沙漠沙丘的残余,这些沙丘来自现在被淹没的大陆架,这些大陆架以前是半干旱的。其他在源头附近形成,通常在以前半干旱的中部地区和塔斯马尼亚东南部的季节性干燥泻湖以东形成月状,或在主要河流的洪泛区附近形成堆积物,或在暴露区域形成沙层。土著居民在 40 ka 后燃烧植被可能影响了沉积物供应。确定塔斯马尼亚南部气候变化的一个关键地点是梅恩斯交界处,它记录了三个风成沉积时期(大约 90、32 和 20 ka),其中穿插着山坡不稳定时期。末次冰期风速是否高于现在尚不确定,但霍巴特附近的玛丽安湾沙盖中的贝壳和塔斯马尼亚东北部 Ainslie 沙丘的粒度分析表明,末次冰期的风速比现在强。