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Determination of nodal desirable pressure-heads of water distribution network
Urban Water Journal ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-13 , DOI: 10.1080/1573062x.2020.1836239
K.S. Jinesh Babu 1


In water distribution networks, pressure-head at a demand node more than what is required to satisfy the demand is considered as surplus. But, it cannot be completely taken as surplus. Because excess pressure-head at a node is essential to compensate the head-losses in the off-taking links so as to maintain the pressure-head required at downstream nodes. Also, in the recent years, attention is given to avoid too much pressure-heads in order to reduce the damages and leakages in pipes. Thus, there is a need to compute the pressure-head of a node that neither creates pressure-deficit nor too surplus. Such a pressure-head is termed as desirable pressure-head in this paper and a new method to compute it is proposed. The proposed method computes the desirable pressure-head of nodes one-by-one without trial and error. It is easy to adopt and it can be even done for a part of a network.




