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Pliocene and late Pleistocene (MIS 5e) decapod crustaceans from Santa Maria Island (Azores Archipelago: Central Atlantic): systematics, palaeoecology and palaeobiogeography
Journal of Quaternary Science ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-13 , DOI: 10.1002/jqs.3261
Matúš Hyžný 1, 2 , Carlos S. Melo 3, 4, 5, 6 , Ricardo S. Ramalho 5, 6, 7, 8 , Ricardo Cordeiro 3, 4, 9 , Patrícia Madeira 3, 4, 9 , Lara Baptista 3, 4, 9, 10 , A. Cristina Rebelo 3, 4, 11, 12 , Cynthia Gómez 3, 4 , Alfred Uchman 13 , Markes E. Johnson 14 , Björn Berning 3, 4, 15 , Sérgio P. Ávila 3, 4, 9, 10

The presence of decapod crustaceans in the Pliocene and Pleistocene (MIS 5e) fossil record of Santa Maria Island (Azores Archipelago) is herein reviewed. Our study raises the number of fossil decapods from this island from one species to 10 taxa (three for the Pliocene and seven for the Last Interglacial). Four of these 10 taxa are reported for the first time in the fossil record, worldwide. A new species of a mud shrimp is also described (Upogebia azorensis n. sp.). Our study suggests that the Plio–Pleistocene decapod assemblages of the Azores did not differ significantly from modern ones, being dominated by species that are today widespread across the Webbnesia ecoregion, the Mediterranean Sea, and the eastern Atlantic shores, including the Azores. As far as can be judged from the limited fossil record, apparently no tropical crab species with a Cabo Verdean/Senegalese provenance reached the Azores during windows of opportunity associated with Glacial Termination 2 or with the initial setting of the Last Interglacial period. This contribution increases the total number of marine taxa reported for the Pliocene and Pleistocene outcrops of Santa Maria Island to 218 and 155, respectively, highlighting the scientific relevance of its palaeontological heritage.


来自圣玛丽亚岛(亚速尔群岛:中大西洋)的上新世和晚更新世(MIS 5e)的十足类甲壳动物:系统,古生态学和古生物地理学

本文回顾了圣玛丽亚岛(亚速尔群岛)的上新世和更新世(MIS 5e)化石记录中十足纲甲壳类动物的存在。我们的研究将这个岛上的十足动物化石的数量从一种增加到了10个类群(上新世为3个,最后一次冰间期为7个)。这10种分类中有4种在全球化石记录中首次报道。还描述了一种新的泥虾(Upogebia azorensis)。sp。)。我们的研究表明,亚速尔群岛的上新世的十足动物-更新世十足动物组合与现代的并没有太大差异,主要由当今遍布韦伯尼西亚生态区,地中海和包括亚速尔群岛在内的东大西洋沿岸的物种主导。从有限的化石记录可以判断,在与冰川终结2有关的机会之窗或上一次冰间期的初期,显然没有具有佛得角/塞内加尔血统的热带蟹物种到达亚速尔群岛。这一贡献使圣玛丽亚岛上新世和更新世露头的海洋生物分类总数分别增加到218和155,突显了其古生物学遗产的科学意义。