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Seasonal changes in the zooplankton community and population structure in the northern Bering Sea from June to September, 2017
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-13 , DOI: 10.1016/j.dsr2.2020.104901
Fumihiko Kimura , Yoshiyuki Abe , Kohei Matsuno , Russell R. Hopcroft , Atsushi Yamaguchi

Zooplankton community structure in the northern Bering Sea may change significantly over relatively short periods due to the inflow of different water masses and the seasonal release of meroplankton, although details of these changes are still unclear. We studied the zooplankton community in the northern Bering Sea from June to September of 2017 and examined seasonal changes in the community structure and stage structure of the dominant species. Zooplankton abundance ranged from 41,000 to 928,000 ind. m−2, with the greatest abundances near 174°W during July. Copepods were the dominant taxa, comprising 10–98% of zooplankton abundance, with benthic larvae such as bivalves dominant at some stations during July and August. Cluster analysis of abundances divided the station/zooplankton communities into seven groups. West of 172°W, clear seasonal changes were not observed, because the Bering Chukchi Winter Water persisted in the deep layer and sampling was only conducted in this region in July and August. In contrast, the community structures east of 172°W differed every month due to water masses changes, meroplankton release, and copepod production associated with the phytoplankton bloom. Despite the changes of water mass, development for the dominant large copepods (Calanus glacialis/marshallae, Eucalanus bungii and Metridia pacifica) was revealed from their population stage structures. Seasonal shifts in species within Neocalanus and appendicularians were driven by water mass exchanges. This study demonstrates that zooplankton community in the northern Bering Sea varies substantially on a monthly time scale. Therefore, to evaluate the impact of climate change on zooplankton, it is important to consider both the seasonal period and the dominant water masses present.



白令海北部的浮游动物群落结构可能会在较短的时间内发生显着变化,这是由于不同水团的流入和浮游生物的季节性释放所致,尽管这些变化的细节仍不清楚。我们研究了白令海北部2017年6月至9月的浮游动物群落,并研究了优势物种的群落结构和阶段结构的季节性变化。浮游动物的丰度范围为41,000至928,000 ind。m -2,在174 °附近具有最大丰W在七月。pe足类是主要的类群,占浮游动物丰度的10-98%,底栖幼虫(如双壳类)在7月和8月的某些位置占优势。丰度的聚类分析将车站/浮游动物群落分为七个组。在172°W以西,没有观察到明显的季节性变化,因为白令楚科奇冬季水一直存在于深层,并且仅在7月和8月在该地区进行了采样。相比之下,由于水团的变化,浮游生物的释放以及浮游植物开花所致的pe足类动物的产生,172°W以东的群落结构每月都不同。尽管水量发生了变化,但主要的大型pe足动物Calanus glacialis / marshallae,Eucalanus bungiiMetridia pacifica)的发育)是从其人口阶段结构揭示的。新和附生物内物种的季节性变化是由水质交换驱动的。这项研究表明,白令海北部的浮游动物群落每月变化很大。因此,要评估气候变化对浮游动物的影响,重要的是要同时考虑季节和当前的主要水团。
