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Serological, molecular and bacteriological approaches for detecting Leptospira sp. carrier rams maintained in semiarid conditions
Acta Tropica ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-13 , DOI: 10.1016/j.actatropica.2020.105759
Rafael Rodrigues Soares , Nathanel Natércio da Costa Barnabé , Denise Batista Nogueira , Laís Samara Cavalcante da Silva , João Pessoa Araújo Júnior , Camila Dantas Malossi , Leila Sabrina Ullmann , Diego Figueiredo da Costa , Maria Luana Cristiny Rodrigues Silva , Severino Silvano dos Santos Higino , Sergio Santos de Azevedo , Clebert José Alves

Even in the adverse environmental conditions of the semiarid region, leptospires can survive and spread by alternative routes of transmission, such as sexual in ewes, however, there is no data on rams. Thus, the present study aimed to evaluate the use of serological, molecular and microbial tools applied to diagnosis of Leptospira sp. Infection in rams maintained in semiarid conditions. Biological samples of urinary (urine, kidney and bladder) and genital (vas deferens, epididymis tail and vesicular gland) tracts were collected from 40 slaughtered rams for polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and bacterial isolation, as well as blood samples for antibody detection through microscopic serum agglutination test (MAT). Anti-Leptospira antibodies were found in five (12.5%) animals with antibody titer of 50 and 2 (5%) for the titer 100 for serogroups Pyrogenes, Ballum, Icterohaemorrhagiae and Australis. Leptospira sp. DNA was found in PCR of organs and urine of 30 (75%) animals. Overall, 240 fragments of organs from the urinary and genital tracts and urine were evaluated, with 93 (38.7%) positive samples, being 48/120 (40%) for the urinary tract and 45/120 (37.5%) for the genital. There was no statistically significant difference between the tracts. A bladder sample was sent for sequencing and showed 99% similarity with L. interrogans. Of the 240 cultures evaluated, 59 (24.5%) had leptospire growth, being that 23 (39%) were confirmed in PCR. Considering the PCR of organs and urine and bacterial growth as gold standards, the cut-off 50 in MAT showed greater sensitivity when compared to cut-off 100, regardless of the material used. The great proportion of leptospiral DNA in organs, urine and culture and bacterial growth from the genital tracts reinforce its importance as an extra-renal site and highlights the possible role of rams in venereal transmission, as well as the sensitivity of the cut-off 50 suggested its adoption in the serology of rams maintained in semiarid conditions.



即使在半干旱地区不利的环境条件下,钩藤也可以通过其他传播途径(如母羊中的有性繁殖)生存和传播,但是,没有关于公羊的数据。因此,本研究旨在评估血清学,分子学和微生物学工具在钩端螺旋体诊断中的应用。半干旱条件下公羊的感染。从40头屠宰公羊中收集泌尿(尿,肾和膀胱)和生殖器(输精管,附睾尾巴和水泡腺)的生物学样品,以进行聚合酶链反应(PCR)和细菌分离,以及通过抗体检测血液的样品显微血清凝集试验(MAT)。抗钩端螺旋体在五只(12.5%)动物中发现了抗体,血清热原,巴鲁姆,腹泻和and的血清效价为100,抗体效价为50,抗体效价为2(5%)。钩端螺旋体 在30只(75%)动物的器官和尿液的PCR中发现了DNA。总体上,对来自泌尿和生殖道及尿液的240个器官碎片进行了评估,其中93个阳性样本(38.7%)为阳性,泌尿道为48/120(40%),生殖器官为45/120(37.5%)。道之间没有统计学上的显着差异。膀胱样本已送去测序,并显示与问号乳杆菌有99%的相似性。在评估的240种培养物中,有59种(占24.5%)的钩端螺旋体生长,通过PCR证实有23种(占39%)。考虑到器官和尿液的PCR和细菌生长为金标准,与临界值100相比,MAT中的临界值50显示出更高的灵敏度,而与所使用的材料无关。钩端螺旋体DNA在器官,尿液和培养物中的大量比例以及生殖道的细菌生长增强了其作为肾外部位的重要性,并突出了公羊在性病传播中的可能作用,以及临界值50建议在半干旱条件下使用的公羊血清学中采用它。
