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Transfer of invertebrates with hay during restoration operations of extensively managed grasslands in Switzerland
Journal of Insect Conservation ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-13 , DOI: 10.1007/s10841-020-00282-8
Ariane Stöckli 1 , Daniel Slodowicz 1 , Raphaël Arlettaz 1 , Jean-Yves Humbert 1

Hay transfer from a speciose donor meadow to a species-poor receiver grassland is an established method to restore species-rich grassland plant communities. However, it has rarely been investigated to which extent invertebrates can be transferred with hay during such operations, which was the aim of this study. Sampling was conducted in eight sites of the Swiss lowlands with one donor meadow and two receiver sites each. On the receiver sites, three to four white bed sheets of one square meter each were deployed on the ground to receive a standard quantity of fresh hay just transferred from the donor meadow. All living invertebrates were collected from these sheets with an aspirator and subsequently identified to order level. On average (± SD), 9.2 ± 11.3 living invertebrates per square meter were transferred with the hay. Beetles were the most abundant species group, representing 46.9% of all transferred invertebrates, followed by true bugs (8.9%) and spiders (7.0%). More individuals were transferred when the donor meadow was mown with a hand motor bar mower than with a rotary disc mower. Similarly, more invertebrates were transferred when the hay was transported loosely with a forage wagon than compacted as bales. While this study demonstrates that living invertebrates can be transferred with the hay, their subsequent survival and establishment remains to be explored. We recommend using a hand motor bar mower and a forage wagon for increasing the survival probability of invertebrates in hay transfer.



干草从一个特殊的供体草地转移到一个物种贫乏的接收草地是恢复物种丰富的草地植物群落的既定方法。然而,很少有人研究在这种操作过程中无脊椎动物可以在多大程度上与干草一起转移,而这正是本研究的目的。在瑞士低地的八个地点进行抽样,每个地点有一个供体草地和两个接收地点。在接收地点,三到四张一平方米的白色床单被铺在地面上,以接收刚从供体草地转移的标准数量的新鲜干草。用抽吸器从这些表中收集所有活的无脊椎动物,然后按订单级别进行识别。平均 (± SD),每平方米有 9.2 ± 11.3 只活无脊椎动物与干草一起转移。甲虫是最丰富的物种群,占所有转移无脊椎动物的 46.9%,其次是真虫(8.9%)和蜘蛛(7.0%)。与使用旋转圆盘割草机相比,使用手动割草机割草供体草地时转移的个体更多。同样,当干草用草料车松散运输时,转移的无脊椎动物比压实成捆的要多。虽然这项研究表明活的无脊椎动物可以与干草一起转移,但它们随后的生存和建立仍有待探索。我们建议使用手动割草机和牧草车来提高无脊椎动物在干草转移中的存活概率。与使用旋转圆盘割草机相比,使用手动割草机割草供体草地时转移的个体更多。同样,当干草用草料车松散运输时,转移的无脊椎动物比压实成捆的要多。虽然这项研究表明活的无脊椎动物可以与干草一起转移,但它们随后的生存和建立仍有待探索。我们建议使用手动割草机和牧草车来提高无脊椎动物在干草转移中的存活概率。与使用旋转圆盘割草机相比,使用手动割草机割草供体草地时转移的个体更多。同样,当干草用草料车松散运输时,转移的无脊椎动物比压实成捆的要多。虽然这项研究表明活的无脊椎动物可以与干草一起转移,但它们随后的生存和建立仍有待探索。我们建议使用手动割草机和牧草车来提高无脊椎动物在干草转移中的存活概率。它们随后的生存和建立仍有待探索。我们建议使用手动割草机和牧草车来提高无脊椎动物在干草转移中的存活概率。它们随后的生存和建立仍有待探索。我们建议使用手动割草机和牧草车来提高无脊椎动物在干草转移中的存活概率。