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The door to Dor: Tracing unseen anthropogenic impact in an ancient port
Geoarchaeology ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-12 , DOI: 10.1002/gea.21825
Michael Lazar 1 , Uri Basson 1, 2 , Ashley G. Himmelstein 3 , Thomas E. Levy 4, 5 , Ehud Arkin Shalev 3 , Assaf Yasur‐Landau 3, 6

An on‐land frequency domain electromagnetic geophysical survey was conducted across a tombolo delimiting the southern bay of Tel Dor (northern Israel) to the south. It was accompanied by a marine archaeological survey adjacent to its northern edge. Results indicate a deep channel connecting the bay and the Tantura Lagoon to the south. At its northern exit, an NW–SE trending square anomaly is visible in the geophysical data, buried underneath centuries of sand accumulation. It is parallel and similar in shape and scale to a Hellenistic feature observed in satellite data and excavated during the underwater archaeological survey. It seems that during the beginning/Middle Bronze Age, a natural or manmade channel was utilized as an entrance to the bay. As sea levels rose and sand began to accumulate, the channel was periodically filled in and would have needed to have been cleared. Eventually, it became too expensive or inconvenient to maintain, probably during the Byzantine period. The southern anchorage was abandoned for more favorable conditions to the north of the Tel. The sequence of events shows how ancient builders first utilized a natural channel, maintained it as sea levels rose, and abandoned it when it became too problematic to maintain.



进行了一次遍地在Tel Dor(以色列北部)南部海湾向南部划界的雨伞的陆上频域电磁地球物理勘测。它伴随着北部边缘附近的海洋考古调查。结果表明,一条深水通道将海湾与南部的Tantura泻湖相连。在其北出口,从地球物理数据中可以看到西北向东南趋势的方形异常,埋藏在几个世纪的沙子堆积之下。它与卫星数据中观察到的,在水下考古调查中发掘的希腊化特征平行且形状和规模相似。似乎在青铜时代的初期/中期,天然或人造渠道被用作海湾的入口。随着海平面上升和沙子开始堆积,该通道会定期填充,因此需要清除。最终,它变得太昂贵或难以维护,可能是在拜占庭时期。南部的锚地被遗弃,以提供更有利的北部电话条件。事件的顺序显示出古代建造者是如何首先利用自然通道,在海平面上升时对其进行维护的,而当它变得难以维护时就放弃了。