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Malus orientalis Uglitzk., an important genetic resource to improve domestic apples: characterization and selection of the promising accessions
Euphytica ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-12 , DOI: 10.1007/s10681-020-02720-9
Ali Khadivi , Farhad Mirheidari , Younes Moradi , Simin Paryan

Malus orientalis Uglitzk. is considered as one of the probable ancestors of domestic apples (M. × domestica) and has valuable traits such as late-blooming, adaptation to a wider array of habitats, and capacity for longer storage of the fruits. In the present investigation, morphological and pomological characteristics of M. orientalis were evaluated. Results showed significant differences among the accessions in terms of the recorded traits. Leaf length ranged from 38.56 to 101.36 mm and leaf width varied from 20.27 to 45.31 mm. Fruit length ranged from 14.69 to 39.98 mm, while fruit width varied from 22.16 to 47.39 mm. Fruits weighted between 4.76 and 36.32 g with an average of 15.28. Fruit weight showed positive and significant correlations with dimensions of leaf and fruit. Principal component analysis (PCA) confirmed that fruit-related characteristics were more important in explaining the variation among the accessions. The dendrogram generated using Ward’s method and Euclidean distance showed that the accessions were placed into two major clusters. The dissimilarity level in terms of morphological and pomological characteristics showed a wide range of phenotypic diversity, allowing the effective selection of parents in various breeding programs, referring to fruit quality and high yield. The current findings confirmed that conservation of M. orientalis genetic resources is important for future breeding programs.


Malus orientalis Uglitzk.,一种重要的改良国内苹果遗传资源:有希望的种质的特征和选择

Malus orientalis Uglitzk。被认为是家苹果 (M. ×domestica) 的可能祖先之一,具有开花晚、适应更广泛的栖息地以及更长时间储存​​果实的能力等有价值的特征。在本研究中,对东方木耳的形态学和果树学特征进行了评估。结果表明,就记录的性状而言,种质之间存在显着差异。叶长从 38.56 到 101.36 毫米不等,叶宽从 20.27 到 45.31 毫米不等。果实长度从 14.69 到 39.98 毫米不等,而果实宽度从 22.16 到 47.39 毫米不等。水果重量在 4.76 到 36.32 克之间,平均为 15.28。果实重量与叶片和果实的尺寸呈显着正相关。主成分分析(PCA)证实,果实相关特征在解释种质之间的变异方面更为重要。使用 Ward 方法和欧几里德距离生成的树状图表明,这些种质被置于两个主要的簇中。形态学和果树学特征的差异水平显示出广泛的表型多样性,允许在各种育种计划中有效选择亲本,涉及果实质量和高产。目前的研究结果证实,东方木耳遗传资源的保护对于未来的育种计划很重要。使用 Ward 方法和欧几里德距离生成的树状图表明,这些种质被置于两个主要的簇中。形态学和果树学特征的差异水平显示出广泛的表型多样性,允许在各种育种计划中有效选择亲本,涉及果实质量和高产。目前的研究结果证实,东方木耳遗传资源的保护对于未来的育种计划很重要。使用 Ward 方法和欧几里德距离生成的树状图表明,这些种质被置于两个主要的簇中。形态学和果树学特征的差异水平显示出广泛的表型多样性,允许在各种育种计划中有效选择亲本,涉及果实质量和高产。目前的研究结果证实,东方木耳遗传资源的保护对于未来的育种计划很重要。