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Rocky vegetation in South Korea and their relation to the whole Korean Peninsula
Biologia ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-12 , DOI: 10.2478/s11756-020-00509-8
Jiří Kolbek , Ivan Jarolímek , Jong-Suk Song , Milan Valachovič

In 2006 and 2007, the mountain rock vegetation of the central and southern part of the Korean Peninsula (Republic of Korea) was studied using the traditional Zürich-Montpelliér school approach. Based on the classification of 223 phytocoenological relevés, twelve associations and three communities were identified in the study area. Within the Selaginello tamariscini-Potentilletea dickinsii class, the Selaginello stauntonianae-Buxetalia koreanae order, with an alliance of the same name was newly described for limestone rock plant communities. Five new associations have recently been described for the whole Korean Peninsula and simultaneously for the territory of South Korea: Pyrrosietum linearifolio-petiolosae, Astilbo chinensis-Chrysosplenietum flagelliferi, Meehanio urticifoliae-Selaginelletum stauntonianae, Junipero rigidae-Buxetum koreanae, and Patrinio rupestris-Mukdenietum rossii. A total of seventeen associations, nine subassociations and six communities included in four alliances and three orders were recently found on the territory of the Korean Peninsula. All units were documented by phytocoenological tables, descriptions of the floristic composition and structure, their habitat, the synecological characteristics and the yet known distribution.



2006年和2007年,使用传统的苏黎世-蒙彼利埃学校方法研究了朝鲜半岛中部和南部(大韩民国)的山石植被。根据223种植物生态学相关因素的分类,在研究区域内确定了12个协会和3个社区。在卷柏(Selaginello tamariscini-Potentilletea dickinsii)类中,新描述了卷柏Selaginello stauntonianae-Buxetalia koreanae目,以及同名的同盟用于石灰石岩石植物群落。最近已为整个朝鲜半岛以及韩国领土描述了五个新的协会:线虫火麻,白术-金丝雀鞭毛,荨麻叶变种-剑兰,刚毛杜鹃-朝鲜蓟罗勒帕特里尼奥-罗汉果。最近在朝鲜半岛领土上共发现十七个协会,九个分协会和六个社区,四个联盟包括三个命令。所有单位均通过植物生态学表格,植物区系组成和结构,其栖息地,协同作用特征和已知分布的描述进行记录。
