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Turnover and stability in the deep sea: Benthic foraminifera as tracers of Paleogene global change
Global and Planetary Change ( IF 4.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2020.103372
Laia Alegret , Gabriela J. Arreguín-Rodríguez , Carlos A. Trasviña-Moreno , Ellen Thomas

Abstract Benthic foraminifera are the most common meiofaunal unicellular deep-sea biota, forming skeletons used as proxies for past climate change. We aim to increase understanding of past non-analog oceans and ecosystems by evaluating deep-sea benthic foraminiferal responses to global environmental changes over latest Cretaceous through Oligocene times (67–23 million years ago). Earth suffered an asteroid impact at the end of the Cretaceous (~instantaneous; 66 Ma), episodes of rapid global warming during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM; ~56 Ma) and other hyperthermals (millennial timescales), followed by gradual, but punctuated cooling (timescales of hundred thousands of years) from a world without polar ice sheets to a world with a large Antarctic ice sheet. Here we present the first compilation of quantitative data on deep-sea foraminifera at sites in all the world's oceans, aiming to build a first unique, uniform database that allows comparison of deep-sea faunal turnover across the uppermost Cretaceous through Paleogene. We document variability in space and time of benthic foraminiferal diversity: lack of extinction at the asteroid impact even though other marine and terrestrial groups suffered mass extinction; major extinction at the PETM followed by recovery and diversification; and gradual but fundamental turnover during gradual cooling and increase in polar ice volume (possibly linked to changes in the oceanic carbon cycle). High latitude cooling from ~45 Ma on, i.e., after the end of the Early Eocene Climate Optimum (53.2–49.2 Ma), may have made the middle Eocene a critical period of several millions of years of faunal turnover and establishment of latitudinal diversity gradients. This compilation thus illuminates the penetration of global change at very different rates into the largest and one of the most stable habitats on Earth, the deep sea with its highly diverse biota.



摘要 底栖有孔虫是最常见的小型动物单细胞深海生物群,形成的骨骼可作为过去气候变化的代表。我们的目标是通过评估深海底栖有孔虫对最近白垩纪到渐新世(67-2300 万年前)全球环境变化的反应,增加对过去非类似海洋和生态系统的了解。地球在白垩纪末期(~瞬时;66 Ma)遭受了一次小行星撞击,在古新世-始新世热最大值(PETM;~56 Ma)和其他超高温事件(千年时间尺度)期间发生了快速的全球变暖事件,随后是逐渐的,但是从一个没有极地冰盖的世界到一个有大南极冰盖的世界,它会间断冷却(时间尺度为十万年)。在这里,我们首次汇编了世界所有海洋地点的深海有孔虫定量数据,旨在建立第一个独特、统一的数据库,以便比较从古近纪到白垩纪最上层的深海动物群更新。我们记录了底栖有孔虫多样性在空间和时间上的变化:即使其他海洋和陆地群体遭受了大规模灭绝,小行星撞击时也没有灭绝;PETM 的主要灭绝,随后是恢复和多样化;在逐渐冷却和极地冰量增加期间逐渐但基本的周转(可能与海洋碳循环的变化有关)。从约 45 Ma 开始的高纬度冷却,即早始新世气候最优(53.2-49.2 Ma)结束后,可能使始新世中期成为数百万年动物群更替和纬度多样性梯度建立的关键时期。因此,该汇编阐明了全球变化以非常不同的速度渗透到地球上最大和最稳定的栖息地之一,深海及其高度多样化的生物群。