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The polyphase rifting and inversion of the Danube Basin revised
Global and Planetary Change ( IF 4.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2020.103375
Michal Šujan , Samuel Rybár , Michal Kováč , Miroslav Bielik , Dušan Majcin , Jozef Minár , Dušan Plašienka , Petronela Nováková , Júlia Kotulová

Abstract To track the evolution and formation of one of the major sub-basins of the Pannonian back-arc basin system, we re-evaluate pre-rift, syn-rift, post-rift, and inversion stages of the Danube Basin. This synthesis builds upon a new compilation of (i) geophysical measurements, (ii) current data about the substratum of the basin, (iii) recent advances in stratigraphic architecture of the basin fill, (iv) subsidence history, (v) geomorphological evolution, and (vi) new biostratigraphic and geochronological data.The history of the basin begins with the pre-rift stage represented by the pre-Neogene basement, which belongs to an Eo-Alpine mountain range uplifted at the end of the Cretaceous. The core of the mountain range was formed by pre-Alpine high-grade metamorphic complexes, with a dome-like structure. The crystalline complexes were overlain by late Paleozoic and Mesozoic cover and nappes, which were later eroded during the early Cenozoic. These pre-rift processes were triggered by (i) the late Cenozoic collision of the Alpine-Carpathian orogenic wedge with the European platform, (ii) the crustal extension resulting from the northeastward lateral extrusion of the Alpine-Carpathian-Pannonian lithospheric microplate, and (iii) the subsequent updoming of the lithospheric mantle. This stage was followed by the polyphase rifting of the basin associated with extensive volcanic activity. This syn-rift stage consists of four phases. The first syn-rift phase dated to the early Badenian (~15.2–13.8 Ma), with subsidence documented in the Blatne and Želiezovce depressions, was characterized by accommodation rates up to ~900 m·Ma-1. The second syn-rift phase dated to the late Badenian (~13.8–12.6 Ma), exhibited accelerated subsidence with accommodation rates up to ~2300 m·Ma-1, and mainly affected the Blatne depression. The third and fourth syn-rift phases took place during the Sarmatian (~12.6–11.6 Ma) and early Pannonian (~11.6–9.5 Ma) and the accommodation rates reached ~900 m·Ma-1 and ~1000 m·Ma-1, respectively. They were documented in the Risňovce, Komjatice and Gabcikovo-Győr depressions, confirming the eastward subsidence migration, up to the external zone of the middle Miocene mantle upheaval. The late Miocene post-rift stage, commonly refered to as a thermal subsidence stage (~9.5–6.0 Ma), was associated with formation of a widespread planation surface called the “Mid-mountain level” on the margins of the basin. The history of the Danube Basin terminates with the inversion stage which began after ~6.0 Ma and is still ongoing. It includes the continuous uplift of the basin margins and the subsidence of the central depocenters. The fluvial depositional systems did not behave steadily, because (i) lateral channel mobility and area of deposition increased progressively until ~4–3 Ma and caused onlaps on the base of the succession, followed by (ii) gradual confinement of the streams to the central part of the basin by uplifting basin margins, recorded by formation of river terrace staircases.



摘要 为了追踪潘诺尼亚弧后盆地系统的主要子盆地之一的演化和形成,我们重新评估了多瑙河盆地的裂谷前、同裂谷、裂谷后和反转阶段。这种综合建立在 (i) 地球物理测量,(ii) 有关盆地地层的当前数据,(iii) 盆地填充地层结构的最新进展,(iv) 沉降历史,(v) 地貌演化的新汇编之上(vi) 新的生物地层和地质年​​代学数据。盆地的历史开始于以新近纪前基底为代表的前裂谷阶段,属于白垩纪末隆起的初高山山脉。山脉的核心是由前高山高级变质杂岩形成的,呈圆顶状结构。结晶复合体上覆有晚古生代和中生代盖层和推覆层,后来在新生代早期被侵蚀。这些前裂谷过程是由 (i) 高山-喀尔巴阡造山楔与欧洲地台的晚新生代碰撞触发的,(ii) 高山-喀尔巴阡-潘诺尼亚岩石圈微板块向东北侧向挤压引起的地壳伸展,以及(iii) 随后的岩石圈地幔上升。这个阶段之后是与广泛的火山活动相关的盆地的多相裂谷。这个同步裂谷阶段由四个阶段组成。第一个同裂谷阶段可追溯到早期巴登阶 (~15.2-13.8 Ma),在 Blatne 和 Želiezovce 洼地记录下沉,其特征是调节率高达~900 m·Ma-1。第二个同裂谷阶段可追溯到巴登晚期(~13.8-12.6 Ma),表现出加速沉降,适应率高达~2300 m·Ma-1,主要影响布拉特尼凹陷。第三和第四同裂谷阶段发生在萨尔马阶(~12.6-11.6 Ma)和潘诺阶早期(~11.6-9.5 Ma),适应率达到~900 m·Ma-1和~1000 m·Ma-1 , 分别。它们被记录在 Risňovce、Komjatice 和 Gabcikovo-Győr 洼地,证实了向东沉降迁移,直至中新世地幔巨变的外部区域。中新世晚期裂谷后阶段,通常被称为热沉降阶段(~9.5-6.0 Ma),与盆地边缘被称为“中山水平”的广泛平坦表面的形成有关。多瑙河盆地的历史以在~6.0 Ma 之后开始并仍在进行的反转阶段结束。它包括盆地边缘的不断抬升和中央沉积中心的下沉。河流沉积系统的行为不稳定,因为 (i) 横向通道迁移率和沉积面积逐渐增加,直到约 4-3 Ma 并在序列的底部引起上叠,然后 (ii) 逐渐将河流限制在盆地中部抬升盆地边缘,记录了河流阶地阶梯的形成。