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Colpodean ciliate phylogeny and reference alignments for phylogenetic placements
European Journal of Protistology ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-10 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ejop.2020.125747
Ľubomír Rajter , Isabelle Ewers , Nadine Graupner , Peter Vďačný , Micah Dunthorn

The Colpodea form a major clade of ciliates that are often found in environmental DNA sequencing studies. They are united by similar somatic ciliature, but differentiated by complex oral structures. Although there are four well supported colpodean subclades, there is disagreement in molecular phylogenetic inferences about their branching order. Using available nuclear SSU-rRNA sequences, we evaluated if the bursariomorphids or the platyophryids are sister to the remaining colpodeans. We inferred the “platyophryids-early” topologies using different alignment and masking methods, but constrained analyses could not reject the “bursariomorphids-early” topology. Both bursariomorphids and platyophryids clades have a similar number of nucleotide positions shared with the outgroup, and both are interconnected with the outgroup in phylogenetic networks. Based on these discordant results, it is hard to determine which clade branched off first, although the “platyophryids-early topology” is also supported by mitochondrial SSU-rRNA data. We also offer different reference alignments that can be used to phylogenetically place short- and long-read data from environmental DNA sequencing studies, and we propose some tentative evolutionary and ecological interpretations of those placements.



