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Fourier-based and Rational Graph Filters for Spectral Processing
arXiv - CS - Graphics Pub Date : 2020-11-08 , DOI: arxiv-2011.04055
Giuseppe Patan\`e

Data are represented as graphs in a wide range of applications, such as Computer Vision (e.g., images) and Graphics (e.g., 3D meshes), network analysis (e.g., social networks), and bio-informatics (e.g., molecules). In this context, our overall goal is the definition of novel Fourier-based and graph filters induced by rational polynomials for graph processing, which generalise polynomial filters and the Fourier transform to non-Euclidean domains. For the efficient evaluation of discrete spectral Fourier-based and wavelet operators, we introduce a spectrum-free approach, which requires the solution of a small set of sparse, symmetric, well-conditioned linear systems and is oblivious of the evaluation of the Laplacian or kernel spectrum. Approximating arbitrary graph filters with rational polynomials provides a more accurate and numerically stable alternative with respect to polynomials. To achieve these goals, we also study the link between spectral operators, wavelets, and filtered convolution with integral operators induced by spectral kernels. According to our tests, main advantages of the proposed approach are (i) its generality with respect to the input data (e.g., graphs, 3D shapes), applications (e.g., signal reconstruction and smoothing, shape correspondence), and filters (e.g., polynomial, rational polynomial), and (ii) a spectrum-free computation with a generally low computational cost and storage overhead.



数据在广泛的应用中表示为图形,例如计算机视觉(例如,图像)和图形(例如,3D 网格)、网络分析(例如,社交网络)和生物信息学(例如,分子)。在这种情况下,我们的总体目标是定义由有理多项式引入的新型基于傅立叶和图滤波器,用于图处理,将多项式滤波器和傅立叶变换推广到非欧几里德域。为了有效评估基于离散谱傅里叶算子和小波算子,我们引入了一种无谱方法,该方法需要解决一小组稀疏、对称、条件良好的线性系统,并且忽略了拉普拉斯算子或小波算子的评估。核谱。使用有理多项式逼近任意图滤波器提供了一种相对于多项式更准确和数值稳定的替代方案。为了实现这些目标,我们还研究了频谱算子、小波和滤波卷积与由频谱核引起的积分算子之间的联系。根据我们的测试,所提出的方法的主要优点是 (i) 它在输入数据(例如图形、3D 形状)、应用程序(例如,信号重建和平滑、形状对应)和滤波器(例如,多项式、有理多项式),以及 (ii) 计算成本和存储开销通常较低的无频谱计算。和由谱核引起的积分算子滤波卷积。根据我们的测试,所提出的方法的主要优点是(i)它在输入数据(例如图形、3D 形状)、应用程序(例如,信号重建和平滑、形状对应)和滤波器(例如,多项式、有理多项式),以及 (ii) 计算成本和存储开销通常较低的无频谱计算。和由谱核引起的积分算子滤波卷积。根据我们的测试,所提出的方法的主要优点是(i)它在输入数据(例如图形、3D 形状)、应用程序(例如,信号重建和平滑、形状对应)和滤波器(例如,多项式、有理多项式),以及 (ii) 计算成本和存储开销通常较低的无频谱计算。