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Nicippe isaki, a new species of Pardaliscidae (Crustacea: Amphipoda) from Svalbard
Marine Biology Research ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-11 , DOI: 10.1080/17451000.2020.1828593
Per-Otto Johansen 1 , Wim Vader 2


Species of Nicippe are recorded almost worldwide and four species have been previously recorded. Descriptions of taxonomic characters of Nicippe isaki sp. nov. from Svalbard are given and compared with morphologically similar species. Nicippe isaki has previously been considered as Nicippe tumida, which actually may be a complex of several local species. Nicippe isaki is characterized by a strong, pointed dorsal tooth on urosomite 1, extending beyond the next segment. Peduncle article 1 on antenna 1 is broad. Dactyl on pereopods 3 and 4 is 2/3 of propodus. Coxa 7 is small and posteriorly tapering. The peduncle on uropod 1 is longer than the rami. The distolateral tooth on uropod 2 peduncle is short and straight. The male and female antennae 1 and 2 show morphological differences. The male antenna 1 has a well-developed callynophore on article 1 of the flagellum, and an inflated article 1 on the accessory flagellum. Peduncle article 5 on male antenna 2 is longer than article 4, while they are subequal in females. The dorsoapical tooth on urosomite 1 is pointing straight backwards in females, while it is bent in males. A key to the species of Nicippe is provided.

Publication LSID: lsid:http://zoobank.org/pub:E9C0AF29-6E49-46A6-810D-442A3E2BFE58


Nicippe isaki,一种来自斯瓦尔巴特群岛的新甲壳动物科(甲壳纲:两栖类)


Nicippe的物种几乎遍布全球,以前已经记录了四种。Nicippe isaki sp。的分类学特征描述。十一月 给出了来自斯瓦尔巴特群岛的树种,并与形态相似的树种进行了比较。Nicippe isaki以前被认为是Nicippe tumida,实际上可能是几个当地物种的复合体。Nicippe崎其特征是在urosomite 1上结实而尖锐的背齿,延伸到下一段之外。天线1上的花梗物品1很宽。脚足3和4上的Dactyl是脚骨的2/3。Coxa 7很小,向后逐渐变细。uropod 1上的花序梗长于rami。尾足2花序梗上的外侧齿短而直。雄性和雌性触角1和2表现出形态差异。雄性天线1在鞭毛的物品1上具有发达的call突,在附属鞭毛上具有膨胀的物品1。雄性天线2上的有花梗的文章5比第4条更长,而它们在雌性中是次等的。urosomite 1的背顶齿在雌性中笔直指向后方,而在雄性中则弯曲。提供了Nicippe物种的关键。

出版物LSID: lsid:http://zoobank.org/pub:E9C0AF29-6E49-46A6-810D-442A3E2BFE58
