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Dynamics of a retreating ice sheet: a LiDAR study in Värmland, SW Sweden
GFF ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-01 , DOI: 10.1080/11035897.2020.1822437
Alastair Goodship 1 , Helena Alexanderson 1, 2

ABSTRACT Värmland in south western Sweden lies across the established zone of marine-terrestrial transition of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet (SIS) margin. The region lies inside the Younger Dryas maximum limit reached at 12.7 cal ka BP and the area of rapid final SIS retreat from 11.5 cal ka BP. LiDAR data across Värmland allows more detailed observation and analysis of glacial landforms formed during this stage than previously possible. This study synthesises geomorphological mapping performed on highly detailed digital elevation models (DEMs) and field observations across the region around Torsby in northern Värmland to reconstruct the dynamics of the ice sheet as it retreated. Several landforms that developed during deglaciation are identified and clearly reflect the change from a marine to terrestrially terminating ice margin. Ice-marginal deltas suggest a slowing of retreat at the point of marine-terrestrial transition. Increased topographic control on ice-sheet flow, pattern of drainage and ice sheet decay is indicated by the distribution of streamlined terrain, eskers, and outwash material. Hummocky terrain across low ground and incised valleys suggest persistence of ice in topographic lows beyond the retreat of the main ice front. Combined analysis of identified landforms allows a model for the pattern of retreat to be produced that traces the retreating ice sheet margin in far greater detail than previously has been possible in this area. This provides important data for understanding the final retreat of the SIS and details processes likely occurring beneath the margin of the Greenland Ice Sheet today.


退缩冰盖的动力学:瑞典西南部 Värmland 的 LiDAR 研究

摘要瑞典西南部的韦姆兰位于斯堪的纳维亚冰盖 (SIS) 边缘的海陆过渡区。该地区位于 Younger Dryas 最大极限之内,达到 12.7 cal ka BP,SIS 最终从 11.5 cal ka BP 快速撤退的区域。Värmland 的 LiDAR 数据允许对这一阶段形成的冰川地貌进行比以前更详细的观察和分析。这项研究综合了在非常详细的数字高程模型 (DEM) 上进行的地貌测绘和整个 Värmland 北部 Torsby 周围地区的实地观察,以重建冰盖退缩时的动态。确定了冰川消融期间形成的几种地貌,清楚地反映了从海洋到陆地终止冰缘的变化。冰缘三角洲表明在海陆过渡点退缩速度减慢。流线型地形、eskers 和外冲物质的分布表明对冰盖流、排水模式和冰盖衰减的地形控制增加。横跨低地和下切山谷的丘陵地形表明冰在主要冰锋后撤之外的地形低处持续存在。对已识别地貌的综合分析可以生成退缩模式的模型,该模型可以比以前在该地区更详细地追踪退缩的冰盖边缘。这为了解 SIS 的最终退缩以及今天可能发生在格陵兰冰盖边缘之下的详细过程提供了重要数据。