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The Barwise-Schlipf theorem
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-20 , DOI: 10.1090/proc/15216
Ali Enayat , James H. Schmerl

Abstract:In 1975 Barwise and Schlipf published a landmark paper whose main theorem asserts that a nonstandard model $ \mathcal {M}$ of $ \mathsf {PA}$ (Peano arithmetic) is recursively saturated iff $ \mathcal {M}$ has an expansion that satisfies the subsystem $ \Delta _{1}^{1}$- $ \mathsf {CA}_{0}$ of second order arithmetic. In this paper we identify a crucial error in the Barwise-Schlipf proof of the right-to-left direction of the theorem, and we offer a correct proof of the problematic direction.



摘要:1975 Barwise和Schlipf发表了划时代的论文,其主要定理断言非标准模型的(皮亚诺算术)被递归饱和当且仅当有一个扩展,其满足子系统-二阶算术。在本文中,我们确定了定理从右到左方向的Barwise-Schlipf证明中的一个关键错误,并且为有问题的方向提供了正确的证明。 $ \ mathcal {M} $ $ \ mathsf {PA} $ $ \ mathcal {M} $ $ \ Delta _ {1} ^ {1} $ $ \ mathsf {CA} _ {0} $