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Identifying Potential Anglers and Customer Segments of Texas Catfish Anglers to Guide Management Actions
North American Journal of Fisheries Management ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-11 , DOI: 10.1002/nafm.10538
J. Warren Schlechte 1 , John B. Taylor 2 , David L. Buckmeier 1 , Clifford P. Hutt 3 , Kevin M. Hunt 4

In this paper, we demonstrate how one can combine angler survey data with Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) Tapestry data to assist in developing a statewide plan for catfish recruitment, retention, and reactivation (R3) and management. In 2010, Mississippi State University surveyed 1,078 Texas freshwater catfish anglers to examine their catch‐related attitudes and trip preferences by using a stated choice experiment. The study showed that the responding freshwater catfish anglers could be grouped into five clusters based on their catch‐related attitudes. We used ESRI’s Business Analyst extension to define the primary customer segments (also called “Tapestries”) within these five catch‐related clusters. We used principal components analysis followed by a similarity profile analysis to help us identify differences among the customer segments for the five catch‐related clusters. We found that the Rooted Rural Tapestry, located outside urban areas, was significantly more likely to be associated with catfish anglers whose answers suggested that they had higher trophy motivation compared to the other angler clusters. We also found that anglers in the urban areas were more likely to have a variety of motivations. The Southwestern Families Tapestry was identified as an underserved group exhibiting high growth potential and should be considered for targeted R3 efforts using insight gathered from that tapestry on its preferred media channels. We plotted areas with high populations and proportions of individual tapestries that were the greatest in discriminating among the catch‐related angler clusters. Our ESRI predictive maps for 2024 showed areas throughout Texas where managers could focus different R3 advertising and catfish management strategies based on the underlying customer segments.



在本文中,我们演示了如何将垂钓者调查数据与环境系统研究所(ESRI)挂毯数据相结合,以帮助制定state鱼招募,保留和重新激活(R3)和管理的全州计划。2010年,密西西比州立大学对1,078个德克萨斯州淡水cat鱼垂钓者进行了调查,通过使用既定的选择实验来检验其捕捞相关的态度和出行偏好。研究表明,根据其捕捞相关态度,可以将响应的淡水cat鱼钓鱼者分为五类。我们使用ESRI的Business Analyst扩展来定义这五个与捕捞相关的集群中的主要客户群(也称为“ Tapestries”)。我们使用主成分分析,然后进行相似性概况分析,以帮助我们识别五个与捕捞相关的集群的客户群之间的差异。我们发现,位于城市地区之外的有根农村挂毯与significantly鱼垂钓者的关联性明显更高,其答案表明,与其他垂钓者群集相比,fish鱼垂钓者具有更高的奖杯动力。我们还发现,城市地区的钓鱼者更有可能具有多种动机。西南家庭挂毯被认为是服务水平低下的人群,具有较高的增长潜力,应使用该挂毯在其首选媒体渠道上收集到的见解,考虑将其作为定向R3努力的对象。我们绘制了人口最多的地区和单个挂毯的比例,这些地区在区分与捕捞有关的垂钓者群中是最大的。我们针对2024年的ESRI预测性地图显示了得克萨斯州的整个区域,管理人员可以根据潜在的客户群来关注不同的R3广告和cat鱼管理策略。