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Human–hamadryas baboon (Papio hamadryas) conflict in the Wonchit Valley, South Wollo, Ethiopia
African Journal of Ecology ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-09 , DOI: 10.1111/aje.12816
Zewdu Kifle 1, 2 , Afework Bekele 2

Understanding the extent of human–primate conflict is crucial to the development of conservation and management strategies. We carried out this study in an unprotected area of central Ethiopia to examine the magnitude of human–hamadryas baboon (Papio hamadryas) conflict and to assess the attitude of local farmers towards baboons in Wonchit Valley. In 2014, we interviewed 119 adult respondents using a structured questionnaire. Local farmers considered hamadryas baboons to be the major pest in the area. All respondents reported that hamadryas baboons caused crop raiding and small livestock predation in the region. Respondents reported that a shortage of fruit producing wild trees and ready availability of crops were the main causes of conflict between farmers and hamadryas baboons. We found that hamadryas baboons damaged cereal crops at dusk and dawn during full moonlight, and most (89.9%) respondents claimed that they were not interested in hamadryas baboon conservation. Our results indicate that human–hamadryas baboon conflict has a strongly negative impact on both baboon conservation and local farmers. We suggest that to mitigate the human–hamadryas baboon conflict, job opportunities such as beekeeping should be introduced in the region.


埃塞俄比亚南沃尔洛的旺奇特河谷发生人类– hamadryas狒狒(Papio hamadryas)冲突

了解人与灵长类动物冲突的程度对养护和管理战略的发展至关重要。我们在埃塞俄比亚中部未受保护的地区进行了这项研究,以研究人类-hamadryas狒狒(Papio hamadryas)冲突,并评估当地农民对旺奇蒂山谷狒狒的态度。2014年,我们使用结构化问卷调查了119位成年受访者。当地农民认为hamadryas狒狒是该地区的主要害虫。所有答复者均称,狒狒狒狒在该区域造成了农作物掠夺和小型牲畜捕食。受访者报告说,生产野生树木的水果短缺和农作物的现成供应是农民与hammadryas狒狒之间发生冲突的主要原因。我们发现,在满月的黄昏和黎明时,hamadryas狒狒会破坏谷物作物,大多数(89.9%)的受访者声称他们对hamadryas狒狒的保护不感兴趣。我们的结果表明,人类与金龟子的狒狒冲突对狒狒的保护和当地农民都产生了严重的负面影响。