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Creation of accurate 3D models of harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) using 3D photogrammetry
Marine Mammal Science ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-11 , DOI: 10.1111/mms.12759
Duncan J. Irschick 1 , Johnson Martin 2 , Ursula Siebert 3 , Jakob H. Kristensen 4 , Peter T Madsen 5 , Fredrik Christiansen 5, 6

Creating accurate 3D models of marine mammals is valuable for assessment of body condition, computational fluids dynamics models of locomotion, and for education. However, the methods for creating 3D models are not well‐developed. We used photography and video to create 3D photogrammetry models of harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena). We accessed one live adult female (155.5 cm total length), and two dead animals, one juvenile (110 cm total length) and one calf (88 cm total length). We accessed the two dead individuals through a stranding network in Germany, and the live individual through the Fjord and Baelt research center in Denmark. For all porpoises, we used still photographs from hand‐held cameras, drone video, and synchronized GoPro videos to create 3D photogrammetric models. We used Blender software, and other 3D reconstruction software, to recreate the 3D body meshes, and confirmed the accuracy of each of the 3D body meshes by comparing digital measures on the 3D models to original measures taken on the specimens. We also provide a colored, animated version of the live harbor porpoise for educational purposes. These open‐access 3D models can be used to develop methods to study body morphometrics and condition, and to study bioenergetics and locomotion costs.


使用3D摄影测量法创建海豚(Phocoena phocoena)的准确3D模型

创建准确的海洋哺乳动物3D模型对于评估身体状况,运动的计算流体动力学模型以及进行教育非常有价值。但是,用于创建3D模型的方法尚不完善。我们使用摄影和视频创建海豚(Phocoena phocoena)的3D摄影测量模型我们访问了一只成年雌性动物(总长155.5厘米),两只死动物,一只少年(总长110厘米)和一只小牛(总长88厘米)。我们通过在德国的搁浅网络访问了两个死者,并通过丹麦的峡湾和巴特研究中心访问了活着的人。对于所有海豚,我们使用了手持摄像机的静态照片,无人机视频和同步的GoPro视频来创建3D摄影测量模型。我们使用Blender软件和其他3D重建软件来重新创建3D人体网格,并通过将3D模型上的数字量度与对标本采取的原始量度进行比较来确认每个3D人体网格的准确性。我们还提供彩色的活体海豚海豚动画版本,以用于教育目的。