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Communicating complex ocean issues: How strategically framed messages affect awareness and motivation when conveyed using narrative vs. expository language
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-10 , DOI: 10.1002/aqc.3484
Komathi Kolandai‐Matchett 1 , Maria Armoudian 1 , Eileen Li 1

  1. Considering the nascent stage of marine conservation communication, little is understood about how best to communicate complex issues, such as ocean acidification (OA), that are remote and invisible. Despite accumulating evidence of OA’s adverse effects on marine ecosystems and biota and subsequent consequences for human societies, it remains obscure to a majority of the public.
  2. This study compared two language styles (narrative and expository) to determine which was more effective for communicating OA to diverse audiences. The two language styles were scripted and presented in YouTube videos, with identical visuals, message contents and message frames identified as potentially effective for environmental and marine conservation communication.
  3. In an online experiment, 183 respondents were randomly assigned to view one of three videos (narrative, expository, control). Although the literature suggested the value of narrative‐based conservation communication, findings suggest that expository language was comparably effective for increasing awareness and motivation. Nevertheless, there were some indications that story‐like narratives may better enhance motivation. This study also strengthens the argument for careful selection of frames to enhance the effectiveness of marine conservation communication.



  1. 考虑到海洋保护交流的起步阶段,人们对如何最好地交流遥远而看不见的复杂问题(例如海洋酸化(OA))了解甚少。尽管有越来越多的证据表明,OA对海洋生态系统和生物区系产生了不利影响,并给人类社会带来了后续后果,但它仍然被大多数公众所掩盖。
  2. 这项研究比较了两种语言风格(叙述性和说明性),以确定哪种语言更能有效地将OA与不同的受众群体进行交流。两种语言样式均已编写脚本并显示在YouTube视频中,具有相同的视觉效果,消息内容和消息帧,这些消息被认为可能对环境和海洋保护沟通有效。
  3. 在一项在线实验中,随机分配了183名受访者观看三个视频(叙述性,说明性,对照性视频)之一。尽管文献提出了基于叙事的保护性交流的价值,但研究结果表明,说明性语言在提高意识和动机方面具有同等效力。然而,有迹象表明,类似故事的叙述可能会更好地增强动机。这项研究还为仔细选择框架以增强海洋保护交流的有效性提供了依据。