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T0 Early Permian coal-forest preserved in situ in volcanic ash bed in the Wuda Coalfield, Inner Mongolia, China
Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.revpalbo.2020.104347
Stanislav Opluštil , Jun Wang , Hermann W. Pfefferkorn , Josef Pšenička , Jiří Bek , Milan Libertín , Jinrong Wang , Mingli Wan , Xuezhi He , Mengxiao Yan , Haibo Wei , Jana Votočková Frojdová

Abstract An early Permian tuff bed between Coal 7 and Coal 6 of the Wuda Coalfield in Inner Mongolia bears T0 peat-forming vegetation preserved in situ. Documentation of the fossil record uncovered in an area of about 80 m2 shows 14 morphotaxa representing 11 whole-plant species with a wide variety of growth forms. The uncovered phytocoenosis is interpreted as a forest dominated by cordaites as the tallest trees, the remains of which covered over 50% of the excavated area. Marattialean tree ferns represent the lower canopy that was not taller than about 3 m. This storey fills gaps between cordaites and covers over 20% of the area. A rare element of lower canopy taxa was the cycadophyte genus Pterophyllum represented by a single plant. Poorly developed herbaceous groundcover includes Sphenophyllum oblongifolium, and four small fern species mostly with sphenopteroid type of foliage. Although members of the herbaceous layer covered only 7% of the excavated area, it was the most diverse storey of the peat-forming forest. Considering the small area excavated, along with the higher diversity known from the same tuff bed in the adjacent, former opencast mine, it appears that species richness in the forest was comparable to some of the less diverse Westphalian peat-forming floras in Euramerica.



摘要 内蒙古乌达煤田7号煤和6号煤之间的早二叠世凝灰岩层就地保存了T0级泥炭形成植被。在约 80 平方米的区域内发现的化石记录文件显示,14 种形态分类群代表 11 种具有多种生长形式的全植物物种。未发现的植物群落被解释为以堇青石为主的森林,作为最高的树木,其遗骸覆盖了超过 50% 的挖掘区域。Marattialean 树蕨代表不高于约 3 m 的较低树冠。这层楼填补了堇青石之间的空隙,覆盖了超过 20% 的面积。低层冠层分类群的一个稀有元素是由单一植物代表的蕨类植物属。发育不良的草本地被植物包括 Sphenophyllum oblongifolium、和四种小型蕨类植物,主要​​具有蝶形叶型。虽然草本层的成员只覆盖了挖掘面积的 7%,但它是泥炭形成森林中最多样化的一层。考虑到挖掘的小面积,以及从邻近的前露天矿的同一凝灰岩层中已知的更高的多样性,森林中的物种丰富度似乎与欧洲一些不太多样化的威斯特伐利亚泥炭形成植物群相当。