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Conservation assessment using the IUCN criterion B: A case study on palms of the Mexican portion of the Yucatán Peninsula Biotic Province
Kew Bulletin ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-11 , DOI: 10.1007/s12225-020-09896-2
José E. Pérez-Sarabia , Rodrigo Duno de Stefano , William Cetzal-Ix , Arturo A. Alvarado-Segura , Saikat K. Basu

Arecaceae is one of the most morphologically diverse plant families in the world, represented by over 185 genera and 2600 species. The Mayan communities in the Mexican portion of the Yucatán Peninsula (YP) have made extensive use of these palm species as food, construction materials, handicrafts and medicine. Deforestation, intensive use of native palms and their products, lack of management strategies, global warming, and climate change, are negatively impacting wild palm populations in this region. We assessed the conservation status of palm species that grow in the region following the IUCN criterion B: geographic range in the form of either B1 (extent of occurrence) or B2 (area of occupancy) or both. Twenty palm species were evaluated and considered not threatened (with the exception of Sabal gretherae, designated as an endangered species). In some particular cases, we consider that these evaluations are too optimistic. Previous evaluations carried out by the Mexican legislation are supported, with the exception of Attalea guacuyule, Cryosophila stauracantha, Gaussia maya and Thrinax radiata. We propose that the distribution and population density of Roystonea dunlapiana and R. regia in Mexico must be assessed to confirm their conservation status at national level. In the case of S. gretherae, a systematic evaluation of its taxonomic status must be implemented.



槟榔科是世界上形态最多样的植物科之一,有超过185个属和2600种。尤卡坦半岛(YP)墨西哥部分的玛雅人社区广泛使用了这些棕榈树种作为食品,建筑材料,手工艺品和药品。砍伐森林,大量使用本地棕榈及其产品,缺乏管理策略,全球变暖和气候变化,对该地区的野生棕榈种群造成了负面影响。我们根据IUCN标准B:以B1(发生范围)或B2(占用区域)或两者的形式对在该地区生长的棕榈树种的保护状况进行了评估。对20种棕榈树种进行了评估,并认为它们没有受到威胁(除Sabal gretherae以外),被指定为濒危物种)。在某些特定情况下,我们认为这些评估过于乐观。除了Attalea guacuyuleCryosophila stauracanthaGaussia mayaThrinax radiata以外,墨西哥立法进行的先前评估均得到支持。我们建议必须对Roystonea dunlapianaR. regia在墨西哥的分布和人口密度进行评估,以确认它们在国家一级的保护状况。对于鼠疫链球菌,必须对其分类状态进行系统的评估。
