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Palaeoseismic behaviour of strike-slip faults in slowly deforming regions: palaeoearthquakes and long-term slip history of the Ovacık Fault (eastern Turkey)
Journal of Seismology ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-10 , DOI: 10.1007/s10950-020-09964-x
Müge Yazıcı , Cengiz Zabcı , Boris A. Natal’in , Taylan Sançar , H. Serdar Akyüz

The Ovacık Fault (OF) is one of the internal structures of the Anatolian Block, located close to its eastern boundary. Although it shows a very clear surface trace, there are no instrumentally recorded surface rupturing earthquakes on this fault. This study concludes results of the first palaeoseismological trench study on the OF with the evidence for three surface rupturing earthquakes for the last 6 kyr. Structural, stratigraphical and geochronological constraints show that the oldest event happened between 4700 and 3022 BCE, whereas the penultimate event was between 2262 and 1643 BCE. The youngest event happened after 56 BCE, which we could only delimit from below because of the absence of any dateable material from the upper layers of the relevant horizons. The derived mean interevent time of these three palaeoevents is 2400 ± 765 years. We could not correlate any of these palaeoevents with historical earthquakes due to the absence of records in catalogues for the region of interest. Moreover, we used cumulative offsets of the major drainages to calculate the long-term slip rate of 2.7 mm/year since the Pliocene, which exceeds slip rates of other internal faults of Anatolia almost by the factor of two. Our results do not only show significant deformation for the internal parts of Anatolia but also point out a seismic potential of the OF.



奥瓦克断层(OF)是安纳托利亚区块的内部结构之一,位于其东部边界附近。尽管它显示出非常清晰的表面痕迹,但没有仪器记录该断层的表面破裂地震。这项研究总结了关于OF的第一个古地震沟槽研究的结果,并提供了最近6年内发生的3次表面破裂地震的证据。结构,地层和地质年​​代学的约束条件表明,最古老的事件发生在公元前4700年至3022年之间,而倒数第二个事件发生在公元前2262年至1643年之间。最年轻的事件发生在公元前56年之后,我们只能从下面进行划界,因为相关地层的上层没有任何可更新的资料。这三个古事件的平均事件间隔时间为2400±765年。由于感兴趣区域的目录中没有记录,因此我们无法将这些古事件与历史地震联系起来。此外,我们使用主要排水系统的累积偏移量来计算上新世以来的2.7 mm /年的长期滑动速率,该速率比安那托利亚其他内部断层的滑动速率几乎高出两倍。我们的结果不仅显示出安纳托利亚内部的明显变形,而且还指出了OF的地震潜力。超过安纳托利亚其他内部断层的滑移率几乎两倍。我们的结果不仅显示出安纳托利亚内部的明显变形,而且还指出了OF的地震潜力。超过安纳托利亚其他内部断层的滑移率几乎两倍。我们的结果不仅显示出安纳托利亚内部的明显变形,而且还指出了OF的地震潜力。
