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Assessment of Elemental Components in Atmospheric Particulate Matter from a Typical Mining City, Central China: Size Distribution, Source Characterization and Health Risk
Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-10 , DOI: 10.1007/s00128-020-03039-w
Wenyu Zhou , Hongxia Liu , Jueyi Xiang , Jingru Zheng , Ruizhen Yao , Shan Liu , Ting Liu , Jiaquan Zhang , Changlin Zhan , Wensheng Xiao , Junji Cao

Atmospheric particulate matters in nine size fractions were sampled at Huangshi city, Hubei province. Elemental concentrations occurred unimodal size distribution for Zn, Pb and Ni, dimodal distribution for Ca, S, Fe and Ti, and trimodal distribution for Cl, K, Mn, Cu and Cr. Enrichment factor and principal component analysis identified the main sources from crustal material, biomass burning, waste incineration, vehicular and industrial emission. As for the non-carcinogenic health risk through inhalation, there were certain potential risks for Mn and Sb for children, and Pb for children and adults in PM2.5. It showed certain potential risks for Mn, Sb and Pb for children and adults in PM10. As for the carcinogenic health risk through inhalation, Cr in PM2.5 and Ni, Co and Cr in PM10 indicated unacceptable risk for children and adults. Meanwhile, Co and Ni in PM2.5 represented acceptable risk for children.
