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Distribution of alien plant species of the Middle Volga Region (South-East of the European part of Russia): a dataset
Biodiversity Data Journal ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-09 , DOI: 10.3897/bdj.8.e59125
Stepan Senator 1, 2 , Alyona Tretyakova 3, 4 , Dmitry Vorontsov 5

Background The dataset presented in the current study contains information regarding alien vascular plant species found in the Middle Volga Region (South-East of the European part of Russia). The dataset overall includes 413 species belonging to 247 genera and 67 families. The described dataset is based on the data published during floristic studies from 1851 to 2019. The dataset does not include alien vascular plant species that have presently disappeared from the territory of the region. It contains a total of 7,782 records of occurrences, extracted from the Salix system of information and analytics, developed in the Institute of Ecology of the Volga River Basin of the Russian Academy of Sciences. New information A total of 7,782 records were published on the occurrence of alien vascular plants in the Middle Volga Region. Each entry includes information regarding the place of occurrence of the alien plant species, the year of occurrence, the person who recorded the alien plant and who identified it, status of the species (introduced or invasive), link to the herbarium, which contains the specimen and the literary source. If it were impossible to establish the names of the persons who collected the samples and (or) their identification in the identifiedBy and recordedBy fields, the names of the authors of the publication given in the associatedReferences field were entered. The presented dataset supplements the information on the distribution of alien plant species in the whole European part of Russia and specifies the places of their findings in the Middle Volga Region.



背景 当前研究中提供的数据集包含有关伏尔加河中部地区(俄罗斯欧洲部分东南部)发现的外来维管植物物种的信息。该数据集总共包括 67 科 247 属 413 种。所述数据集基于 1851 年至 2019 年植物区系研究期间发布的数据。该数据集不包括目前已从该地区消失的外来维管植物物种。它包含从俄罗斯科学院伏尔加河流域生态研究所开发的 Salix 信息和分析系统中提取的总共 7,782 条事件记录。新信息 共发表了 7,782 条关于伏尔加河中部地区出现外来维管束植物的记录。每个条目都包含有关外来植物物种的出现地点、出现年份、记录外来植物和识别该植物的人员、该物种的状态(引入或入侵)、植物标本馆的链接(其中包含该植物标本的信息)的信息。样本和文献来源。如果无法在“identifiedBy”和“recordedBy”字段中确定收集样本的人员姓名和(或)他们的身份,则输入关联参考字段中给出的出版物作者的姓名。所提供的数据集补充了有关俄罗斯整个欧洲部分的外来植物物种分布的信息,并指定了他们在伏尔加河中部地区的发现地点。