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Magnetic field generation using single-plate targets driven by kJ-ns class laser
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-07 , DOI: 10.1088/1361-6587/abb617
Deepak Kumar 1 , Sushil Singh 1 , Hamad Ahmed 2 , Roman Dudžk 3, 4 , Jan Dostl 3, 4 , Tomasz Chodukowski 5 , Lorenzo Giuffrida 1 , Prokopis Hadjisolomu 2 , Thomas Hodge 2 , Libor Juha 3, 4 , Eduard Krousk 3, 4 , Miroslav Krůs 3 , Yuanzhe Li 2 , Piotr Lutoslawski 1 , Massimo De Marco 1 , Miroslav Pfeifer 3, 4 , Zofia Rusiniak 5 , Jiř Skla 4 , Jiř Ullschmeid 3 , Tadeusz Pisarczyk 5 , Marco Borghesi 2 , Satyabrata Kar 2

Strong magnetic fields of upto 20 T, corresponding to a current of tens of kA were produced in a coil connected to a single-plate of cm2 area irradiated by a kJ-ns laser pulse. The use of such macroscopic plates protects the coil from plasma debris, while maintaining a strong magnetic field for a time-scale much longer than the laser pulse duration. By correlating the measured magnetic field in the coil to the number of electrons emitted from the interaction zone, we deduce that the target capacitance is enhanced by two orders of magnitude because of the plasma sheath in the proximity of the focal spot. The particle-in-cell simulation illustrates the dynamics of sheath potential and current flow through the coil to ground, thus closing the circuit due to the escape of laser-produced hot electrons from the target.



在连接到cm 2单板的线圈中产生了高达20 T的强磁场,对应于数十kA的电流kJ-ns激光脉冲照射的区域。这种宏观板的使用可保护线圈免受等离子体碎片的侵害,同时可在比激光脉冲持续时间长得多的时间范围内保持强磁场。通过将线圈中测得的磁场与从相互作用区域发射的电子数量相关联,我们可以得出结论,由于焦点附近的等离子体鞘层,目标电容提高了两个数量级。单元中的粒子模拟说明了鞘电势的动态变化,以及通过线圈流向地面的电流流动,因此由于激光产生的热电子从靶子逸出而闭合了电路。
