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Work and breast milk feeding: a qualitative exploration of the experience of lactating mothers working in ready made garments factories in urban Bangladesh
International Breastfeeding Journal ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-07 , DOI: 10.1186/s13006-020-00338-0
A M Rumayan Hasan 1 , George Smith 2 , Mohammad Abdus Selim 1 , Shahinoor Akter 3, 4 , Nazib Uz Zaman Khan 5 , Tamanna Sharmin 6 , Sabrina Rasheed 1

In Bangladesh 65% of children under 6 months of age were exclusively breastfed with maternal employment being a risk factor that has jeopardized exclusive breastfeeding. As Ready Made Garment (RMG) factories have been the largest employer of low income women in Bangladesh, the objective of our study was to explore the barriers and facilitators of breastfeeding and perceptions about use of expressed breast milk among mothers who worked in the RMG sector. This formative research was conducted during July–September 2015 in two slums of Dhaka among RMG workers who were mothers and the caregivers of 0–12 month old infants. Qualitative data was obtained from purposively selected participants of 8 in-depth interviews and 4 focus group discussions (mothers and caregivers), and 2 key informant (RMG factory official) interviews. Mothers were from multiple RMG factories while factory officials were from a single factory. Thematic analysis was conducted. The main themes of qualitative exploration were knowledge and experience of breastfeeding; structural barriers (home and workplace); consequences of inadequate breastfeeding; and perception and experience of using expressed breast milk. Despite knowledge both of the benefits of breast milk and of the importance of breastfeeding for 6 months, most mothers introduced formula as early as 2 months to prepare for their return to work. Barriers such as excessive workload, inadequate crèche facilities at work, and lack of adequate caregivers at home impeded exclusive breastfeeding. Mothers and caregivers had very little knowledge about the use of expressed breast milk and were concerned about contamination. As RMG factories are the largest employer of low-income women in Bangladesh, facilitating RMG factory working mothers’ ability to use breast milk could help to promote infant health and help women remain in the workforce.



在孟加拉国,65% 的 6 个月以下儿童完全接受母乳喂养,而孕产妇就业是危及纯母乳喂养的一个危险因素。由于成衣 (RMG) 工厂一直是孟加拉国低收入女性的最大雇主,我们研究的目的是探讨母乳喂养的障碍和促进因素,以及在成衣行业工作的母亲对使用挤出母乳的看法. 这项形成性研究于 2015 年 7 月至 9 月在达卡的两个贫民窟进行,对象是 RMG 工人,他们是母亲和 0-12 个月大婴儿的照顾者。定性数据来自有目的地选择的 8 次深度访谈和 4 次焦点小组讨论(母亲和护理人员)和 2 次关键知情人(RMG 工厂官员)访谈的参与者。母亲来自多个 RMG 工厂,而工厂官员来自一个工厂。进行了专题分析。定性探索的主题是母乳喂养的知识和经验;结构性障碍(家庭和工作场所);母乳喂养不足的后果;以及使用挤出的母乳的感受和体验。尽管知道母乳的好处和母乳喂养 6 个月的重要性,但大多数母亲早在 2 个月就开始使用配方奶,为重返工作岗位做准备。工作负担过重、工作中托儿所设施不足以及家里缺乏足够的照顾者等障碍阻碍了纯母乳喂养。母亲和护理人员对使用挤出的母乳知之甚少,并且担心受到污染。