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Multicloud API binding generation from documentation
arXiv - CS - Programming Languages Pub Date : 2020-11-05 , DOI: arxiv-2011.03070
Micha{\l} J. Gajda, Vitor Vitali Barrozzi, and Gabriel Araujo

We present industry experience from implementing retargetable cloud API binding generator. The analysis is implemented in Haskell, using type classes, types a la carte, and code generation monad. It also targets Haskell, and allows us to bind cloud APIs on short notice, and unprecedented scale.


从文档生成多云 API 绑定

我们展示了实施可重定向云 API 绑定生成器的行业经验。分析是在 Haskell 中实现的,使用类型类、点菜类型和代码生成 monad。它还针对 Haskell,并允许我们在短时间内以前所未有的规模绑定云 API。