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Honoring the Past, Embracing the Present, and Inspiring the Future of Materials-Based Research
Chemistry of Materials ( IF 7.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-09 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.0c03867
Sara E. Skrabalak 1

Our lives have been shaped by our ability to create and manipulate new materials, with the ages of civilizations being marked with our mastery of a particular material class. Yet, only recently have there been forums for the exchange of knowledge about the chemistry of new materials. In his opening editorial to Chemistry of Materials in 1989, then Editor-in-Chief Leonard Interrante articulated a vision for the journal to become the premier home for research providing a molecular-level viewpoint of materials.(1) I believe that Chemistry of Materials has become that centerpiece of the scientific enterprise. Under the leadership of Interrante and more recent Editor-in-Chief Jillian Buriak, the journal fostered a scientific community around materials chemistry by providing a platform to share new knowledge, facilitate dialogue between diverse researchers, and promote ethical research standards for the field. With the establishment of ACS Materials Letters, these two journals are positioned to adapt to and champion the increasingly inter- and multidisciplinary nature of materials-based research and support their ever more diverse community of researchers. My vision is for both journals to continue growing as leading venues for the publication of high quality, impactful results on the forefront of materials-based research. Although this vision may seem obvious, one has to maintain the strong sense of community that has built up over the years in order to navigate the increasingly competitive landscape of scientific publishing.(2) For me, these journals are a scientific home, and I want to support those that have similarly called these journals home while also opening their doors wider to welcome new researchers and new areas of scholarship. With these sentiments in mind, three principles will guide my time as Editor-in-Chief for Chemistry of Materials and ACS Materials Letters. The first principle is, like the title of this editorial, to honor the past, embrace the present, and inspire the future. Chemistry of Materials was the first journal to respond to the scattered way in which chemistry solutions to materials-based problems were being published.(1) This legacy is one to honor, with many groundbreaking results published in the journal.(3) Honoring this legacy also provides a unique opportunity to embrace the present and inspire the future of materials-based research given that new ideas are rarely detached from prior innovations. At the same time, ACS Materials Letters, with its focus on expedient manuscript handling and the rapidly evolving frontiers of materials science, allows this family of journals to expand the scope of materials-based research being featured in ACS Publications. The second principle is to highlight the diversity of materials-based research and researchers. Diversity with inclusion is a known driver of creativity and innovation.(4,5) Moreover, collaboration among people from across the world and with different experiences and backgrounds enhance science.(6) Leading journals such as Chemistry of Materials and ACS Materials Letters have a responsibility to celebrate different scientific perspectives and approaches, while continually working to identify and implement inclusive publication practices. Finally, the third principle is to enhance the publication experience for potential authors. As researchers, you now have many journal options and are increasingly less likely to identify with one area of research. This means that some of the best work is distributed across journals with different emphases. These trends require that both Chemistry of Materials and ACS Materials Letters provide an attractive research scope and profile. These trends also require that both journals provide a highly satisfactory publishing experience that includes efficient manuscript handling and high quality reviews, regardless of whether one’s work ultimately appears in either journal. These principles inspire a number of actions that will be initiated during my first year as Editor-in-Chief. From highlighting the exceptional research content of the journals through new venues to new editorials and voices appearing in the pages of Chemistry of Materials and ACS Materials Letters, I am excited to be of service to this scientific community. I welcome both your excellent research and input to these journals. Views expressed in this editorial are those of the author and not necessarily the views of the ACS. This editorial is jointly published in Chemistry of Materials (DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.0c03867) and ACS Materials Letters (DOI: 10.1021/acsmaterialslett.0c00468). This article references 6 other publications.



我们的生活因我们创造和操纵新材料的能力而受到影响,文明时代的到来标志着我们对特定材料类别的精通。然而,直到最近,才有关于新材料化学知识交流的论坛。1989年,时任总编辑伦纳德·特兰特(Leonard Interrante)在其《材料化学》的开篇社论中阐明了该杂志的愿景,即成为提供分子水平材料观点的首要研究之家。(1)我相信材料化学已成为科学事业的核心。在Interrante和最近的主编Jillian Buriak的领导下,该期刊通过提供一个共享新知识,促进不同研究人员之间的对话以及促进该领域的伦理研究标准的平台,建立了围绕材料化学的科学共同体。随着ACS材料快报的建立,这两种期刊的定位是适应和拥护基于材料的研究的不断发展的跨学科和多学科性质,并支持其日益多样化的研究者社区。我的愿景是使这两种期刊继续成为领先的场所,在基于材料的研究的前沿发表高质量,有影响力的成果。尽管这一愿景可能看起来很明显,但为了浏览科学出版业日益竞争的格局,人们必须保持多年来建立的强烈的社区意识。(2)对我而言,这些期刊是科学之家,而我希望支持那些以类似方式称呼这些期刊的刊物,同时也敞开大门欢迎新的研究人员和新的学术领域。考虑到这些情绪,材料化学ACS材料快报。就像本社论的标题一样,第一个原则是尊重过去,拥抱现在并激发未来。材料化学是第一本针对以分散方式发布基于材料的问题的化学解决方案的期刊。(1)值得纪念的遗产,在该期刊上发表了许多开创性的成果。(3)鉴于很少有新想法与先前的创新脱节,因此legacy还提供了一个难得的机会来拥抱当前并激发基于材料的研究的未来。同时,ACS材料快报着眼于便捷的手稿处理以及材料科学迅速发展的前沿,这一系列期刊可以扩展ACS出版物中基于材料的研究范围。第二个原则是强调基于材料的研究人员和研究人员的多样性。具有包容性的多样性是创造力和创新的已知驱动力。(4,5)此外,来自世界各地,具有不同经验和背景的人们之间的协作增强了科学。(6)领先的期刊,例如《材料化学》和《ACS Materials Letters》有责任庆祝不同的科学观点和方法,同时继续努力确定和实施包容性出版实践。最后,第三个原则是增强潜在作者的出版经验。作为研究人员,您现在有许多期刊选择,并且越来越不可能选择一个研究领域。这意味着一些最佳的工作分布在具有不同重点的期刊之间。这些趋势要求材料化学ACS材料快报提供有吸引力的研究范围和概况。这些趋势还要求这两种期刊都必须提供令人满意的出版体验,包括有效的稿件处理和高质量的审阅,无论一个人的作品是否最终出现在任何一种期刊中。这些原则激发了许多行动,这些行动将在我担任总编辑的第一年内提出。从通过新的场所突出期刊的非凡研究内容,到材料化学ACS材料快报页面上出现的新社论和声音,我很高兴能为这个科学界服务。我欢迎您出色的研究和对这些期刊的投入。本社论中表达的观点只是作者的观点,不一定是ACS的观点。该社论发表在《材料化学》(DOI:10.1021 / acs.chemmater.0c03867)和ACS Materials Letters(DOI:10.1021 / acsmaterialslett.0c00468)上。本文引用了其他6个出版物。