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Screening tea hybrid with abundant anthocyanins and investigating the effect of tea processing on foliar anthocyanins in tea
Folia Horticulturae ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-06 , DOI: 10.2478/fhort-2020-0025
Jian-Guang Hu 1 , Long-Jie Zhang 2 , Yue-Yue Sheng 3 , Kai-Rong Wang 4 , Yun-Long Shi 3 , Yue-Rong Liang 3 , Xin-Qiang Zheng 3

Anthocyanins are important bioactive supplements that are consumed from multiple foods and beverage products. Screening tea cultivars producing a high level of anthocyanins can help to enrich the edible bioactive supplements. ‘Zijuan’ (ZJ) is a tea cultivar growing purple shoots rich in anthocyanins, but it is susceptible to freezing winter and sprouts late in spring. Hybridisation using ‘ZJ’ as the female parent and an early sprouting cultivar ‘Wuniuzao’ as the male parent was carried out, and four hybrids with purple leaves were obtained. The quality of anthocyanins, catechins, caffeine and amino acids in shoots with three leaves and a bud of the purple leaf hybrids obtained were determined based on the field investigation on sprouting time in spring, winter resistance and leaf yield. It showed that hybrid ‘B-2’ sprouted earlier in the spring, contained a higher level of anthocyanins and also showed good performance in winter resistance than its female parent ‘ZJ’. It also showed that black tea processing induced a marked decrease in foliar anthocyanins, but green tea processing had little effect on the foliar anthocyanins. Purple tea leaves should be prepared into unfermented green tea instead of fermented black tea to preserve the high level of anthocyanins in the final tea products.



花青素是重要的生物活性补剂,可从多种食品和饮料产品中食用。筛选产生高水平花青素的茶品种可以帮助丰富可食用的生物活性补品。'Zijuan'(ZJ)是一种茶花品种,生长着富含花青素的紫色芽,但冬天易冻,春天晚会发芽。以'ZJ'为母本,以早发品种'Wuniuzao'为公本进行杂交,获得了四个紫叶杂种。通过田间调查春季,冬季抗性和叶片产量的田间调查,确定了三叶芽和紫叶杂种芽中花青素,儿茶素,咖啡因和氨基酸的质量。结果表明,杂交种“ B-2”在春季初发芽,与母本“ ZJ”相比,花青素含量更高,并且在冬季抗性方面也表现出良好的表现。它也表明,红茶加工诱导了叶片花色苷的显着减少,而绿茶加工对叶色花色苷的影响很小。紫色茶叶应制成未发酵的绿茶,而不是发酵的红茶,以保持最终茶产品中的高花色苷含量。