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Multiscale drivers of carabid beetle (Coleoptera: Carabidae) assemblages in small European woodlands
Global Ecology and Biogeography ( IF 6.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-07 , DOI: 10.1111/geb.13208
Ronan Marrec 1 , Vincent Le Roux 1 , Ludmilla Martin 1 , Jonathan Lenoir 1 , Jörg Brunet 2 , Sara A. O. Cousins 3, 4 , Pallieter De Smedt 5 , Marc Deconchat 6 , Martin Diekmann 7 , Steffen Ehrmann 8, 9 , Emilie Gallet‐Moron 1 , Brice Giffard 6 , Jaan Liira 10 , Jessica Lindgren 3 , Alicia Valdes 1, 4, 11 , Kris Verheyen 5 , Monika Wulf 12 , Guillaume Decocq 1

The spatio‐temporal connectivity of forest patches in lowland agricultural landscapes and their age matter to explain current biodiversity patterns across regional as well as biogeographical extents, to the point that their effect exceeds the one of macroclimate for plant diversity in the understorey of temperate forests. Whether this remains true for other taxonomic groups is still largely unknown. Yet, this relative influence has important consequences for ecosystem functioning and the delivery of ecosystem services. Focusing on carabid beetle assemblages, we assessed the relative importance of macroclimatic, landscape and patch attributes in driving local species richness (α‐diversity) and species dissimilarity between patches (β‐diversity).


