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Food access in crisis: Food security and COVID-19
Ecological Economics ( IF 6.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2020.106859
Sabine O'Hara , Etienne C. Toussaint

Abstract Disparities in food access and the resulting inequities in food security are persistent problems in cities across the United States. The nation's capital is no exception. The District of Columbia's 's geography of food insecurity reveals a history of uneven food access that has only been amplified by the vulnerability of food supply chains during the COVID-19 pandemic. This paper examines the history of food insecurity in Washington, D.C., and explores new opportunities presented by advances in urban agriculture. Innovations in food production can offer urban communities sustainable alternatives to food access that simultaneously address local food security and green infrastructure needs. They also bring persistent sociopolitical barriers into greater focus. The current COVID-19 pandemic and its imposed social isolation exacerbates these barriers, rendering conventional food access solutions inadequate to deliver on their well-intentioned aims. The ability to order groceries and home goods on mobile devices, for example, may seem fortuitous. Yet, it also exposes the deep disadvantages of marginalized populations and the isolating nature of structural racism. Contrary to the market-centered focus of traditional food access policies, such as public-private partnerships, this paper highlights community-centered strategies that help dismantle existing sociopolitical barriers in an age of crisis and help shift the food justice discourse from food access to the broader goal of community empowerment.


危机中的粮食获取:粮食安全和 COVID-19

摘要 粮食获取方面的差异以及由此导致的粮食安全不公平是美国各城市长期存在的问题。这个国家的首都也不例外。哥伦比亚特区的粮食不安全地理揭示了粮食获取不均的历史,而在 COVID-19 大流行期间,粮食供应链的脆弱性加剧了这种情况。本文考察了华盛顿特区粮食不安全的历史,并探索都市农业发展带来的新机遇。粮食生产创新可以为城市社区提供可持续的粮食获取替代方案,同时满足当地粮食安全和绿色基础设施的需求。他们还更加关注持续存在的社会政治障碍。当前的 COVID-19 大流行及其强加的社会隔离加剧了这些障碍,使传统的食品获取解决方案不足以实现其善意的目标。例如,在移动设备上订购杂货和家居用品的能力似乎是偶然的。然而,它也暴露了边缘化人群的深层劣势和结构性种族主义的孤立性质。与公私伙伴关系等传统粮食获取政策以市场为中心的重点相反,本文强调了以社区为中心的战略,这些战略有助于消除危机时代现有的社会政治障碍,并有助于将粮食正义话语从粮食获取转移到社区赋权的更广泛目标。使传统的粮食获取解决方案不足以实现其善意的目标。例如,在移动设备上订购杂货和家居用品的能力似乎是偶然的。然而,它也暴露了边缘化人群的深层劣势和结构性种族主义的孤立性质。与公私伙伴关系等传统粮食获取政策以市场为中心的重点相反,本文强调了以社区为中心的战略,这些战略有助于消除危机时代现有的社会政治障碍,并有助于将粮食正义话语从粮食获取转移到社区赋权的更广泛目标。使传统的粮食获取解决方案不足以实现其善意的目标。例如,在移动设备上订购杂货和家居用品的能力似乎是偶然的。然而,它也暴露了边缘化人群的深层劣势和结构性种族主义的孤立性质。与公私伙伴关系等传统粮食获取政策以市场为中心的重点相反,本文强调了以社区为中心的战略,这些战略有助于消除危机时代现有的社会政治障碍,并有助于将粮食正义话语从粮食获取转移到社区赋权的更广泛目标。它还暴露了边缘化人口的严重劣势和结构性种族主义的孤立性质。与公私伙伴关系等传统粮食获取政策以市场为中心的重点相反,本文强调了以社区为中心的战略,这些战略有助于消除危机时代现有的社会政治障碍,并有助于将粮食正义话语从粮食获取转移到社区赋权的更广泛目标。它还暴露了边缘化人口的严重劣势和结构性种族主义的孤立性质。与公私伙伴关系等传统粮食获取政策以市场为中心的重点相反,本文强调了以社区为中心的战略,这些战略有助于消除危机时代现有的社会政治障碍,并有助于将粮食正义话语从粮食获取转移到社区赋权的更广泛目标。