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Determining the insurance value of ecosystems: A discrete choice study on natural hazard protection by forests
Ecological Economics ( IF 6.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2020.106866
Christian Unterberger , Roland Olschewski

Abstract Forest ecosystems provide multiple services. In mountainous regions, protection against gravitational hazards is of particular importance. By preventing soil erosion and functioning as natural barriers and buffers, forests protect the population and infrastructure against avalanches and rock falls. The higher the forests' capacity to regulate and withstand external disturbances and adverse effects the higher the insurance value they provide. To operationalize the insurance value approach and to integrate it into climate change adaptation and disaster risk management, information about supply and demand of this ecosystem service is required. While assessing the capacity of forests to provide protection services has been a longstanding research focus, knowledge about the population's demand for insurance services provided by forests is still lacking. Our study analyzes the preferences of beneficiaries of such services. We conducted a choice experiment in several Swiss municipalities exposed to avalanches and rock falls, accounting for different spatial and institutional contexts. We found that households are willing to pay a significant amount for forest management that enhances forests' insurance services and reduces natural hazard risks. The results help to inform decision making in natural hazard management, and represent a further step towards operationalizing the insurance value of ecosystems.



摘要 森林生态系统提供多种服务。在山区,防止重力危害尤为重要。通过防止水土流失和发挥天然屏障和缓冲作用,森林可以保护人口和基础设施免受雪崩和岩石坠落的影响。森林调节和抵御外部干扰和不利影响的能力越高,它们提供的保险价值就越高。为了实施保险价值方法并将其纳入气候变化适应和灾害风险管理,需要有关该生态系统服务的供需信息。虽然评估森林提供保护服务的能力一直是一个长期的研究重点,但有关人口的知识 对森林提供的保险服务的需求仍然不足。我们的研究分析了此类服务受益人的偏好。我们在几个遭受雪崩和落石的瑞士城市进行了选择实验,考虑到不同的空间和制度背景。我们发现,家庭愿意为森林管理支付大量费用,以增强森林的保险服务并降低自然灾害风险。结果有助于为自然灾害管理的决策提供信息,并代表朝着将生态系统的保险价值付诸实施的又一步。考虑到不同的空间和制度背景。我们发现,家庭愿意为森林管理支付大量费用,以增强森林的保险服务并降低自然灾害风险。结果有助于为自然灾害管理的决策提供信息,并代表朝着将生态系统的保险价值付诸实施的又一步。考虑到不同的空间和制度背景。我们发现,家庭愿意为森林管理支付大量费用,以增强森林的保险服务并降低自然灾害风险。结果有助于为自然灾害管理的决策提供信息,并代表朝着将生态系统的保险价值付诸实施的又一步。