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Diversity of plant communities with Carex flava agg. in Poland and their relationship with soil properties
Folia Geobotanica ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-01 , DOI: 10.1007/s12224-020-09375-3
Helena Więcław , Marek Podlasiński

The Carex flava aggregate belongs to one of the most taxonomically difficult groups of sedges which colonize diverse habitats, from organic to sandy, from acidic to alkaline, usually humid and moist. The study included 129 vegetation plots and ten soil variables (organic matter, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, calcium, carbonates, carbon, nitrogen, pH, and the ratio between organic carbon and nitrogen). The main aim was to determine the relationships between the various plant communities C. flava agg. occur in and their soil properties. With the aid of the two-way indicator species analysis and cluster analysis, we delimited nine vegetation types from the Scheuchzerio palustris-Caricetea fuscae, Littorelletea uniflorae, Molinio-Arrhenatheretea and Alnetea glutinosae classes differing in their response to soil properties. The CCA revealed pH, N, K, C, CaCO3, P and Ca to be statistically significant, and to account for 11.55% of the total variance in species composition. The largest differences, both in terms of species composition and in soil conditions, were revealed between communities with C. lepidocarpa and C. demissa. Carex lepidocarpa occurred in calcareous and extremely rich fens (Caricion davallianae) whereas C. demissa was found to occur in poor and moderately rich fens (Sphagno-Caricion canescentis, Caricion canescenti-nigrae). Carex flava grew mostly in calcareous, rich fens and wet grasslands (Caricion davallianae, Calthion palustris). Carex viridula was found in both calcareous, extremely and moderately rich fens and wet grasslands, and in nutrient-poor habitats such as dunes and sandy lake shores. The ecological niche of C. viridula is very wide and this species showed no affinity to any specific syntaxon.


具有 Carex flava agg 的植物群落多样性。在波兰及其与土壤性质的关系

Carex flava 聚集体属于在分类学上最困难的莎草类群之一,它们定居在不同的栖息地,从有机到沙地,从酸性到碱性,通常潮湿和潮湿。该研究包括 129 个植被地块和 10 个土壤变量(有机质、磷、钾、镁、钙、碳酸盐、碳、氮、pH 值以及有机碳和氮的比率)。主要目的是确定各种植物群落 C. flava agg 之间的关系。发生在和他们的土壤性质。借助双向指示物种分析和聚类分析,我们从 Scheuchzerio palustris-Caricetea fuscae、Littorelletea uniflorae、Molinio-Arrhenatheretea 和 Alnetea glutinosae 类中划定了 9 种植被类型,它们对土壤特性的反应不同。CCA 显示 pH、N、K、C、CaCO3、P 和 Ca 具有统计学意义,占物种组成总方差的 11.55%。在物种组成和土壤条件方面,最大的差异是在 C. lepidocarpa 和 C. demissa 群落之间揭示的。Carex lepidocarpa 发生在钙质和极其丰富的沼泽 (Caricion davallianae) 中,而 C. demissa 发生在贫瘠和中等丰富的沼泽 (Sphagno-Caricion canescentis, Caricion canescenti-nigrae)。黄苔草主要生长在石灰质、肥沃的沼泽和潮湿的草地(Caricion davallianae、Calthion palustris)。Carex viridula 发现于石灰质、极其丰富和中等丰富的沼泽和潮湿的草地,以及沙丘和沙质湖岸等营养贫乏的栖息地。生态位 C.